Anyone know some good phrases, words and such that will help while on hols...
(yes I did ask similar last year and no I can't remember, its not like I get the chance to use it that much... and my memory fades..)
I found this site quite helpful.
cheers for that, could do with hearing them said though... (don't want much do I... lol )
agreed askcy
that it doesn't matter what you get taught someone will always pronounce it differently...
The point in question was saying thankyou (if memory serves in Spanish its Gracias or there abouts..) we read it as "grass cee a55" but when we said that to one person they repeated it back something like "gra thee a55" and someone else "gratsee a55".. etc...
Same thing happened in Cyprus with thankyou (efkaristo in some books, in others efharisto ) that was sometimes with a K sound (like in kitten) and sometimes with a H (like hotel) and any variation of both mixed together....
no wonder they says its all Greek to me...
you think you have problems, i go to various parts of greece and cyprus and they all pronounce words slightly diffrently just like dialects in the uk but as long as you are about right they will understand and appreciate what you are trying
and I am, very trying
ey lad theese been trying fer years, thase even changed thee avatar to confuse an old southerner
ephkharistO edwards
Parakalo, Les!
I have known many try to learn Cypriot Greek here, but unfortunately none have come close to cracking it!, they tell you all you would need is conversational knowledge but even this is so difficult, most Cypriots just answer you back in English as most speak our language very well, and even living here it seems pointless exercises to be very blunt, you learn good morning, how are you, and how much is the bill, basic Greek for good manners, as for holiday Cypriot Greek..My advice is forget it, just enjoy your stay..Yassas..
My Malteze mate Speaks Malteze, English, Italian and a little Arabic( due the the languages being similar) I know a bloke who is originally from Iran who came here 30 years ago who speaks perfect English and is now learning Italian.
Yet I struggle to understand someone speaking English from the next village !....
I'd love to learn even basic Greek/Cypriot just so I could follow a conversation around the table or introduce myself and family, ask for meals and drinks etc.... but like every other English person I presume its to difficult and don't bother....
(not having a whatsit at you or anyone else, its just the reason I'd like to at least be able to say good morning, thanks, good night etc with a little bit of confidence and possibly be able to understand any return to what I've said)
didn't change it to confuse

Thanks for all the help.
but just looking at the proper Greek spelling of the words !!!!! how difficult is that going to be to learn??????????????????
Is that a mistake on the website linked above (with the spoken versions)
You are welcome is "Say Parakalo" I think it is anyway
Steve I meant what I said, I have not known any of my acquaintances and there have been many over the years master Cypriot Greek here, including me, my daughter who has two Cypriot children also has found it very hard, and she is living breathing and eating with Cypriots, and also been living here for over twenty years, it is not a case of being lazy far from it we all try believe me, but when they answer you back in perfect English the task becomes even harder in fact almost impossible, I defy you to try..Kali-Nikta.
(I wasn't saying you were lazy, just all of us in general when it comes to learning another language)
Looks like I better aim a little lower, more along the basics and a few odd useful sentences...!

You will find several words with multiple meanings another coomon one is

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