In a regent T V prog in U K that was aired on Tuesday, it was stated that there was alot of crime on the Strip (or it looked like it)
Did anyone else pick up this and is it so, I have always felt safe in Cyprus, it is known for its low crime rates etc, naturally I think the tourist of today is cautious in any place they travel to.
I think folks in Cyprus may have missed the show.
Any views
Limassol is a major city as well as a tourist resort so you have to accept there will be some kinds of crime committed, mostly drink related albeit and involving tourists

The worst crime is really drinking & driving or speeding along the tourist road and mostly at the weekend.
But maybe this will set your mind at rest.... Since coming to live here in March 2004, twice I have left a restaurant and forgotten to take my handbag with me. Twice I have returned 20 minutes or so later to find in the 1st restaurant (KFC Limassol seafront), the bag was still on the back of the chair where I left it (this was Saturday night) complete with my passport, alien card, mobile phone & my purse
2) a cafe on shopping street in Limassol (Anextarsias Street) at the weekend - I left my bag on the arm of the seat I was at. I returned again about 15 mins later to find the bag was behind the counter complete with all of the above, again

If you keep your wits about you just the same as you would in any city, you will have no problems.
One thing we always do in the tourist area though - is lock up our car! In our village, it's rare to lock the car and even rarer to lock the house

They concentrated on and exagerated all the bad points about Cyprus.
(Well, I think they did. It was so interesting I nodded off halfway through.)
Although we were the victim of a bag snatch a few years ago, I still feel safer in Cyprus than the UK!
I saw the trailer for this weeks edition:
"I hate the beach. Look, sand everywhere."
We have been going to Cyprus for the past 20years several times a year mostly to the Limassol area (yes it may well be cheaper to move permanently!!) and we have always felt much safer than in the UK I also visit on my own and have never felt anything but safe OK take the normal sensible precautions and as Mark says always lock your car in the tourist areas but we never lock our car when in the villages visiting our friends and very seldom find doors locked - enjoy Cyprus its a great place and the locals are great
Have stayed in Limassol and had no the world today we act with auction anyway........if there is crime, I would think it is imported, says it all when the bloke in the programme decided to stay put.
Don't think I 'll watch this weeks show.......rather keep my bp down

I think they just used the programme as a freeby trip back to UK

After all, if they disliked it so much and missed their friends, why did they wait 4yrs to go back to see it/them???

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