General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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Noddy check with your doctors for any updates for Sri Lanka health guidance.

Here is what is recommended:- Malaria tablets, plus innoculations for tetanus, typhoid, hepatitis A and polio.
Do we need to take these for going to Turkey?
I believe that Turkey is a low risk area for Malaria. However, you should always double check with your own doctor for health advice.
anybody got any advice on the different types of Maleria medicines.

I was going to ask the same question as I've heard some can be worse than other and bring on a onset of depression is this true.
hi seagull

malaria medicines will vary depending on the destination as will cost :roll:
if you could post destination someone will probably be able to help you further and in more detail sorry i cant be of more help

ps if you speak to a pharmacist they have details on which malarial tabs and jabs (if any) you will need for your destination and also the cost :(

ness :wave
We're hoping to go to Sri Lanka. We've heard all the horror stories as well. A lot of advise we've had from other people is don't bother, just slap up well with repelant.

Depends where you are going for Malaria risk. Hot/humid environments are the worst. The worst times of day for mossies are early morning, late evening. You should wear long trousers/sleeves at these times if mossies are in evidence for maximum protection.

There are different types of anti-malaria drugs. Larium is the most effective, still not 100% protection though. Recommended for high risk areas. Everyones reaction to treatment is different, you wont know until you try any drug as to side effects. If you do get side effects with whatever anti-malaria drugs you get don't worry, there are a variety of different treatments they can give you to get one that doesn't affect you. You have to start taking any anti-malaria meds several weeks before you go so that it is effective when you arrive at location and also so that if you do suffer any side effects you can change treatment.

If you are going to any location which has a Malaria risk get proper protection through anti-malarial drugs. Repellent on it's own isn't enough, there's always one mossie that'll take a bite of you. Remember, Malaria is for life.

Those who advise not to take anything because of urban myths about anti-malarial medication haven't investigated all the possible drugs which are available nowadays. It's only a very small percentage of people who suffer any side effects, and those are mainly very mild which disappear after a short period of time. If you do suffer severe side effects with one drug you can be put on an alternative drug to get one that doesn't affect you. We had one lad in Kenya who went through three types of drug before getting one that was ok for him. The majority of people were ok on Larium (Meflaquine). I had slight side effect with Larium but this disappeared after a short while.

One combination which doesn't seem to have many side effects is Paludrine (Proguanil) and Nivaquine. I used this and didn't suffer any side effects at all. The dosage for this combo is two Nivaquine weekly and two Paludrine daily. The dosage for Larium is one tablet weekly, much more convenient.
Hi. Does anyone have any tips on how I can get a 2 year old to take Malaria tablets? Can you crush them and put them in something sweet? Any tips would be great. Thanks
micky try crushing them into a small drop of jam.We found that worked when we had give my grandson tablets when small. If he/she doesn't like jan try chocolate spread. Hope this helps. :D

Thanks Bluebabe.
Thats a good idea, think I'll give that a go with yoghurt or possible the cholcaolate spread. Might have mine like that too, Lol!!
I am off to Mexico next month ( as you all probably know by now ! ) and have been to see my nurse for the usually boosters and so on , she advised about taking Malaria tablets, but the procedure of taking them for 6 weeks sounds a bit of a trek ! :cry:

we have been advised to buy them and take them 2 weeks before we go, while we are there and for a further 2 - 4 weeks when we come back ! :(

The side affects dont sound too cute either :!:

I didnt take any the last time i went to Mexico 5 years ago and am thinking about not doing the same this year ( note : i am diabetic on insulin) .

Any advice or info would be a great help as i really am not sure what to do :?:
If you have been advised to take malaria tablets by a medical person I would say take them! Malaria is a killer, we took Larium when we went to Gambia with little or no problems, my husband was fine - I had some vivid dreams but other than that no probs.

The most important part of taking Malaria medication is the weeks after you return home - so what ever you do don't miss this out
Hi Heather ,

We have been advised to take malaria tablets for mexico 2 weeks before we go , while we are there and i think for a further 2/4 weeks on return. :cry:

I have heard that Larium is taken once weekly is this correct ? also where can i purchase them from :?:
Any good pharmacy should be able to help you Dee,
just ask the assisstant. Have a great trip but take the
tablets for peace of mind, as someone's already said
malaria is for life; the tablets are only for a few weeks.

:lol: :lol: Helenxxx
Thanks for your help Bluebabe, better to be sfae than sorry :)
Do you need malaria tablets for Turkey? We're going to Olu Deniz next August.
Hi Cyber

Turkey is not a high risk area, being turkish cypriot myself i have travelled many many times to turkey and can esure you Turkey is not on the list , however make sure you are up to date on Typhoid, tetnus , polio and hep a & b .

Happy Holidays !
Thanks Dee :D I asked the nurse at my GPs the other week about jabs and she said we should have HepA and Typhoid, but not any of the others. I've got until next Spring to worry about it anyway, not going until next August 8)
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