Going in August but never been to Turkey before, can anyone tell me what sort of prices we can expect to pay for drink and food whilst there ?
Any one know any good trips ??
Any quality pubs ?
Are there any Irish bars there ??

If you want any more info just ask.
Enjoy your holiday
Could you give us a breakdown on that price Imp? what sort of grub is that then?
Mick, there is a great Irish bar near the point centre in Marmaris called Tiernas. It's easy to find and you'll love it. Put a search in google and you'll find it. When in August are you going? We will be there on the 27th.
Efes 3.5YTL
small coke 2.5 YTL
Can of coke 1.5YTL
small bott water 0.75 ytl
bread 0.40ytl
local drinks 5----7 ytl
cocktails 7----10ytl
In restaurants a hot starter eg soup 5 ytl
Chicken dishes about 15 ytl
steak dishes about 20 ytl
Most restaurants will give free bread and/or free drink. Some restaurants have set meals which were good value, 16 ytl for a 5 course dinner with any chicken dish or 20 ytl with steak.
If you have not been to Turkey for several years you will notice a big difference in prices. But lets bee honest a typical meal fro me and my wife with bread ,soup, achicken dish each and 2 Efes and 2 cokes was typically around 60 ytl with tip, about £24 which is great value
The rate whilst I was there was typically 2.5 ytl to £1, down from when I was there last May from about 2.9ytl to £1
Dolmus to Icmeler was 1.75ytl
Some of thr resturants where even giving you free breakfast or half price breakfast if you ate there the night before.
My hubby loves steak and even had a t bone at this price and realy enjoyed it.
Looking forward to going , only 9 weeks today. Sorry Emre but we come back the day you arrive.
Should i take euros or YTL ??
i notice most of you gve prices in YTL !!!
We usualy just take enough YTL for bus fares and anything we want to buy from supermarket to get us over the first day or 2 and change everything else there.

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