Massif Soleil Transfers ripped us off! We paid in advance for a private transfer from Geneva Airport to Morzine on 3/2/13 and a return on 9/2/13. They never picked us up for either. One of the directors, JC, apologised on each occasion and even left a voicemail message promising a full refund. He then only sent a partial refund. Not a bad business idea, take money, don't supply service promised and then only pay back part,!! Do not use this company.
Without our prior agreement we were downgraded from a private to a shared transfer.
The company is now refusing to refund the difference and has taken to personally insulting me in email correspondence, of which there has been a significant volume. According to the Director 'Jon' I am a "a sad little man" because I stood my ground and was not willing to accept their horrendous treatment.
We were provided with a driver who had never completed the drive to our Resort before which did not instil confidence. At a minimum I would expect the drivers to have previously completed and be familiar with the various transfer routes.
En route to Resort the driver drove the wrong way up a one way road! The driver exited the motor way three exits prematurely resulting in 30 minutes additional journey time - by his own admission.
I have never received such poor, dishonest, unprofessional service and abusive treatment in my life.
Irrespective of whatever differences arose between Massif Soleil Transfers and I, we should have been refunded the difference in cost between the private and shared transfer however according to the Director "We now will not be offering any refund because you have managed to tie this office up in too many correspond".
1. Annecy Town Hall (Mairie d'Annecy) ( - a contact page is included)
2. Annecy Tourist Office ( ... they have a good part 'contact' where you can write to them)
3. Haute-Savoie Tourist Board (
4. Annecy Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie d'Annecy
This will bring the situation to the notice of people who are concerned about the good reputation of tourism facilities in the area ... and even if you were to write (clearly with full facts) in English, your situation would reach the ears of people who might be able to follow up your experience in a way that would perhaps stop this from happening to other people, even if you were not to benefit directly from this yourself. In your letter, don't forget to say what you'd actually like to 'receive' or 'have' as a result of a successful complaint ... but be reasonable!!
As for the rest of the comments, i would like to post all our email corresponds. I do this to show how unreasonable some customers are prepared to be. I would like to receive feed back on this complaint and welcome your views
MST: Hi Neil,
We have a transfer booked today for you "private' to Avoriaz Top car park. I would like to ask if we could change this booking to a Shared Plus?
We would pick you up at the same time, but you would be accompanied by a further 4 passengers.
If this is agreeable we would refund in cash 20 Euros that the driver would hand over.
Please don't feel obligated, but if you could let us know that would be great.
Kind Regards
Massif Soleil Transfers
Neil: Just seen this email now. We would have preferred to have a direct private transfer however we are on a shared transfer without our prior agreement.
Neil: John,
Unfortunately my phone signal is very weak up here and I am unable to receive calls.
Laura and I were very disappointed to find out on arrival in Geneva Airport that we were not to have a private transfer as we had booked and fully paid for in advance.
We are on our honeymoon and decided to spend the excess for a private transfer to treat ourselves. Rather we were treated to a shared transfer with an irate family who had been kept waiting 90 minutes.
Having had issues with transfers historically Laura and I were both most disappointed with the service we have received to date. We were made to feel terribly uncomfortable forced to travel with a family who had been unexpectedly kept waiting! We are on our honeymoon and deliberately wished to transfer in private, hassle free! This was the exact situation we did not want.
The offer in your prior email of Euro20 in recompense is entirely unacceptable.
I no longer have faith in Massif Soleil Transfers. Your response hereon is eagerly anticipated.
Sent from Samsung Mobile
MST: Hi Neil,
We sent you a email 9 hours before your transfer asking if we could indeed add further passengers to your bus, which we believe gave you ample time to respond. its clear you travel with your Samsung Moblie.
I tried to call you twice yesterday to solve this problem and offer you 20 Euros.
The people we picked up booked a shared transfer with us, and that gives us every right to keep them waiting for up to 90 mins for a transfer.
Im sorry to here that you are that up set that you had to share your transfer with other people.
You are booked in for a shared Plus transfer on your return, would you like us to cancel that transfer as you have no faith in our service?
Kind Regards
Neil: John,
The tone of your email is completely unacceptable as are your levels of customer service.
Although you did email me prior to departure from Ireland I did not receive the email until arrival in Geneva.
We had not confirmed our agreement to the change in transfer from private to shared plus however you nonetheless altered our arrangement.
I note on the website the price difference between shared plus and private is Euro20 per person equating to a refund of Euro40 for the two of us. Why are you only offering Euro20 in total?
On your website you state that a shared plus transfer may be kept waiting for a maximum of 10 minutes. I confirmed this while in the minibus with the other passengers and advised them accordingly.
We absolutely do not want to take our return transfer with Massif Soleil Transfers and confirm herein that we are cancelling subject to immediate refund of Euro170 comprising the Euro40 above mentioned and Euro65 multiplied by two for the return transfers. Kindly confirm refund of our funds.
On return to Ireland I shall be posting the full body of our email correspondence on the following websites to give people a more informed view of Massif Soleil Transfers.
If there is a Grand Massif ski forum it too shall be posted there.
It is with utter regret that we ever had dealings with Massif Soleil Transfers.
Sent from Samsung Mobile
MST: Neil & Laura,
Please don't read this email aggressively first of all, it was not written that way.
We picked you up on time.
We sent an email to you and got confirmation that it had been delivered our end, sent 9 hours before your transfer.
The price that you paid was 300 Euros for a private and and shared plus.
The price on the web for the same transfer is 350 Euros, so you received 50 Euros off.
The booking history of your transfer shows that you tried to book this transfer the other way around, e.g.. your first enquiry was for a shared plus and then a private for the return.
Im very sorry that you feel you have been let down, but i am surprised you have taken it to this level and threatening bad press.
We keep every enquiry and every email here and of course if you try to bad month us because you got picked up on time but had to share with other customers, will will be putting forth our evidence to support our case.
If you choose to cancel your return transfer, no refund will be offered as our terms and conditions state that any refund is available 28 days before you travel. An 80% refund is available up to 14 days before you travel. No refunds are available if you cancel within 14 days of your travel.
Last year we carried over 1700 passengers and out of those passengers we had 3 complaints. We have learnt that you can't make everyone happy 100% of the time, but they had been let down by eventualities out of our control, weather, Traffic.
Im confident in the level of service I provide and really disappointed to here anyone up set. I once again, offer you 20 Euros for the mis-confort of your transfer and a further 10 Euros as a way of apologies for really the mis lead tones of emails back and forth.
I hope you do reconsider taking your transfer back with us and you manage to enjoy your Christmas break.
Just on a further note: I have tried to contact you through your phone over 5 times now. Emails can be construed as being aggressive or rude when they are simple not mended in that way. I would of preferred to sort out any problems throughout the phone but understand your signal is low.
Kind Regards
Massif Soleil Transfers
Neil: Jon,
I do not wish to drag this utterly unsavory matter on further. The simple fact is that we booked a private transfer and without our prior agreement this was changed to shared plus. Yes you did email in advance however this was not received until our arrival in Geneva accordingly our prior agreement was not provided.
The price on the website was Euro300 comprising two private transfers at Euro85 each and two shared plus transfers at Euro 65 each. On that basis I believe we are due Euro40 and not the increased offer of Euro30. We reluctantly accept your offer of Euro30.
I previously advised that I am unable to receive calls evidenced by your driver when transferring us and you attempted to call. I look forward to listening to any voicemails on return home.
We are not in a position to pay for another transfer having saved long and hard for this honeymoon. Consequently we are compelled to retain our return transfer with Massif Soleil Transfers. Kindly advised pick up details.
We did not threaten bad press, merely that I would post our complete email correspondence. People could form their respective opinions thereon. You have deemed this to be bad press. We remain undecided on whether to post the emails and will conclude on our return home and reflection.
Sent from Samsung Mobile
I note herein that we have yet to receive refund as previously advised by you. Kindly confirm when refund shall be processed?
MST: Hi Neil,
I note:
I can not issue a refund when we have not agreed on the amount.
The web price difference is only 10 Euros.
I have offered 20 Euros on the 21st December 2013
You then canceled your transfer back with us on the 23rd December
We then offered you 30 Euros on the 23rd December
You then rebooking in your transfer on 27th December for the 28th December, our busiest day and asked for 40 Euros, of which we gave you no reply and thus did not agree to this amount
Please herein inform me how much refund you would be happy to except.
Kind Regards
Massif Soleil Transfers
Neil: Jon,
Your email is factually incorrect in respect of a number of points:
I did not cancel our return transfer. I tendered our cancellation subject to a specified refund to which you did not agree therefore no cancellation occurred.
I absolutely did not re-book our return transfer. It was never cancelled. In any event you had another booking with the customers whom we shared our return journey with. I do not understand how that had any impact on "our busiest day". You were already committed to send a van to the Resort.
In my most recent email of December 27, 2013 I stated "We reluctantly accept your offer of Euro30". I do not understand why you again ask me to inform you "how much refund you would be happy to except".
I am in no way happy to accept a €30 refund when the absolute minimum should be €40. Reluctantly we agreed and continue to agree to €30 in an effort to move on. My utter reluctant acceptance remains. Confirm when refund has been processed.
I am certain the web price difference was €40 at the time of booking. I double checked this on a number of occasions when in Resort.
When my wife contacted you to enquire where our return transfer was, having patiently waited 25 minutes from the advised pick up time, your pointed comment that you understood our phones did not work was juvenile in the extreme. I was clear in previous correspondence that I could not receive calls.
This entire matter could have been easily rectified if Massif Soleil Transfers had provided us with the specific services we booked. At the most fundamental level, we booked a private transfer and did not receive same. This is fact.
Having experienced the Massif Soleil Transfers deplorably low standard of customer service it was no surprise to find that, on return, a cursory 'google' revealed similar horror stories. I only regret that I did not perform a similar 'google' in advance of booking.
1700 passengers last year and you found 2 complaints! Im sure now you will add your own, but we as a company are confident in the service we run and have to admit sometimes we get things wrong but we are always the first to apologies.
You demanding stroppy emails are now a waist of a good morning to reply to.
We find you very aggressive and unreasonable to deal with and now have come to the point where its a total waist of my time to reply to your demands.
We now will not be offering any refund because you have managed to tie this office up in too many correspond with cancelling your transfers, re-booking your transfer, trying to squeeze more money out of our company with your threatening behaviour and we will simple not tolerate your bulling any further.
Your comment to my drivers where discussing! Asking a 23 year boy how often does he find 'TAIL' in resort is inappropriate and i find it to be in a predator nature. . All your questions to him regarding his sex life he found very uncomfortable and he has described the topics to be of a grooming nature.
Im not overly surprised to here this news from my driver about you, its clearly seen in the way you write.
Your quote:
utterly unsavoury matter
your response herein is eagerly anticipated
Who writes like this!!!
I feel the general public would read your email correspondence and actually feel sorry for my company that we ever have to deal with the likes of you again..
Your a sad little man that likes to bully people and i will not waist my time on you any further.
Thank you Alsacienne.
Hi A, please visit snow heads where you can see a full list of corrispondand between me and Mr Neil Davitt, 'Neil D'

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