I have always taking medication in my hand luggage just incase I needed it onboard flight also like you say incase your suitcases get lost etc.All I would say is though is to make sure you keep medication in original packaging
One important piece of advice imparted - always take details of your medication with you, just in case you have a problem. It is also sensible, if possible to give details to someone at home. Some years ago in Spain someone at our hotel lost his. They were able to fly replacements out rather than him having to come back.
My wife is on 18 tablets a day. We always have the whole trip presorted into one of those daily dispenser things that you can buy. Saves a lot of hassle in resort too if each days is available separately. We carry them in the hand luggage along with a printed list from the chemist. Also carry some extra in the hold baggage in case some get lost.
my hubby has loads of tablets for his heart condition, is it better to keep them in the bubble packets or decant them into his weekly dispenser and take a few spares. what are regulations for carrying tablets in hand luggage on planes? does he need letter from doc confirming what these medications are for?help xphx
If you are taking medicines in LIQUID FORM, you may take up to 500ml (rather than 100ml as covers ordinary liquids) in its original bottle and label WITH YOUR PRESCRIPTION and a LETTER from your doctor to explain why you need to carry this quantity ....... ie it is only produced in 250 ml bottles etc.
Do NOT decant your medicine into a smaller bottle - it will not be accepted. However, if your 500 ml bottle has only say 150 ml in it, you must still get the letter/carry the prescription as even if it has a few drops in it, you will need to produce documentation IF REQUESTED.
Always carry your meds in HAND baggage and take back-up supplies in the hold.
thank you for your reply, will keep them in original packs and check with doc re letter etc xphx
i have to take several talets a day also,which include 60mg of morphine.i carry mine in my hand luggage along with a letter from my doctor outlining the medication i am carrying.i would not put in my case,what if the case went awol
my son has medication every day for his thyroid and i always take it in my hand luggage in case it went missing, ive never took a docs letter or anything tho, are you supposed to?
As a paid-up member of the thryoxine hormone gang, I think you'll have absolutely no trouble with these tabs in your handbag!! A lot of folk now have thyroid problems, all over Europe, and a lot of this is probably due to the Tchernobyl incident with a radioactive cloud that passed over many countries ... and this is the 'fall out'. Please don't worry about this unduly, but keep the tablets in their original packaging and don't decant them into another container!
Also be careful with Codeine tablets as they are banned in some countries. I read yesterday that they are banned in the Emirates and you could face 4 yrs in jail
I would advice anybody who takes codine to stop taking it 3 days before going to a country where codine is banned travel and then it will be out of your system by the time you travel.
You can take codine if its on a doctors prescription and you must carry a letter from your doctor.
I start my day with 9 tablets and more through the day and then finish on 5 tablets, how I wish I didn't need to take any.
Anybody on long term parcetamol it damages the liver the same way alcohol does.

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