If you have a car with a digital display then it may be worth checking whether it can be switched to metric measurment for driving on the continent.
I drive a Renault and the computer display can be altered quite easily so that it registers in Km/hr and in Km travelled and litres of fuel used etc. So much easier than trying to do constant calculations in your head as you go along trying to work out whether you will need to refuel before you get to your destination.
to be serious any vehicle with a digital read out must under the relevant EEC regulation be switchable to KPH however this is not so for mpg/kpl
You say it is a regulation but when I told them at the Renault dealership that you could do it they had not heard of it and asked me to show them in one of their demonstrators!
sounds typical of some dealerships i have deliverd to
Does this apply to all cars that have digital displays or is it only for the ones manufactured in the EU.
as far as im aware this applies to all vehicals imported to the eu, thats why the old clock type sold in the uk has both mph and kph the first vehical i came across with this feature was the yarris which at the time wad made in japan
Similar rules apply where KPH is the norm.
The fact you may be able to play around with the electronics is nothing to do with it.
Should you import a vehicle into the UK then if it is not fitted with a MPH speedo then the law requires that you have one fitted.
Fuel computer systems have been dual MPH/KPH - Litre/Galls for as long as I can remember - and that is a long time.

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