I have been advised to take Stirling to Gambia and not travellers cheques or my nationwide cashcard.
How much would you take, for two of you, on a two week stay? We are only on a B&B basis at the hotel.
All help would be appreciated - as I go on Monday! x
HI ,Not being funny but if your going out every day take lots, the Gambia is becoming an expensive place to holiday, The country seems to believe the west has money trees,I tell them I return when the cash ripens and I can pick it to bring with me. cheers ,maxie
We got back a few days ago. We spent £440 in a week for 2 of us. Included in that is the money for safety deposit box at 500 dalasis and a trip that cost 3400dalasis for 2 of us.......so about £100 on that so really we spent £340 on food, drinks and 'stuff'.
The trips can be expensive and we didn't go with the thour rep either. As for food and drink the price varies greatly. Dearest meal was 960 dalasis.....£24.....cheapest was 460dalasis......£11ish. this includes drinks.
Therefore you can spend as much or as little as you want really. Advice is to not eat at hotel or actually any of the places directly on the beach for lunch as they are a lot dearer than going up the 'strip'. A bottle fo Julbrew lager varied from 25dalasis to 45dalasis.
Hope this helps.
OOOppss...realise you posted at beginning of December! Hope you had a good holiday anyway!!!!
We found the hotel really expensive for both food and drink. But up the strip the food was cheaper and sometimes a lot nicer.
Would recommend - Jojo's, GTS and Jewel of India.
We took some cash and a nationwide cash card and had no problems changing money or using the cash machine. Only on one night did the cash machine run out of money. x
Always take a combination. Cash will get the best rate of course, travellers checks are the safest, delassi small notes are good if you are getting your own transport to your hotel, cards are very hit and miss though I have used mine once before.
further on up the road at westfield close to the round-a -bout on left hand side if coming up kairaba highway, ..the right if travelling from serrakunda again all atms are maximum withdrawal of 2000 dalasi, remember each transaction may cost you over 3 pounds in charges, hope thats a help, Cards are good for an emergency. cheers chill maxie

They are exchanging only 35 delassi to the pound today. There is a big flight in from Russia.They have the oil so theres little credit crunch there.
HI Oh russia is suffering ,the whole world is ,just some african leaders feel they are exempt,the leaders are ...... its the locals who suffer,hope you all enjoyed your hols ,off on the 23rd ,here comes the sun,
at the atms

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