I`ve seen the mossie bands for sale on Ebay.
If you can`t get hold of any and don`t mind paying maybe a little more then it saves you going round looking for them.
Got my mossie bands in Asda, think they were about £2.75 for a pack of 2.
heard that if you take garlic tablets for 2 weeks before going away and whilst away you don't get bites. But i never tried this.. and i say there probably be a smell of garlic. lol
I have tried this and it does work and you dont smell of garlic either. buy the odourless capsules
Oh cool id be afraid as i was told something else by someone that if you have lemon juice on you they dont bite well i couldnt count the ammount of bites on me haha!!
Just been reading in a health mag: mosquitoes and midges find their prey by detecting the odours in sweat, so your best defence is to confuse them. Eucalyptus oil at a 30% concentration prevented bites for two hours. Citronella oil is also effective, apply either of these oils to exposed skin every two to three hours. If youre having a braai, throw some sage or rosemary on the coals to keep the mozzies at bay.
Also i am taking a one year old this time and there is no way im going to get her to take the tablets so he advised me to add citroenella drops to some oudorless bodylotion and rub that over her and to use some on her cot sheets.
Hope this works
I'm going to Turkey this year and I just hope I take enough precautions for me and my family!!!

I was recommended that you put a few drops of lavender oil into your aftersun use as normal and that keeps the mozzies away. Works for us.
Caroline & Tony

we went to kos in june once and they were worse there - the hotel were always spraying stuff around killing them (!) we later found out that there was a swamp down the road from the hotel - and of course mozzies breed in stagnent water don't they.
we go away to turkey again next month. our aftersuns and lotions have repellants in them and we've bought a repellant spray too plus a plug for the room. i'm also going to take garlic tablets and i've bought some of avon's sss woodland fresh dry oil body spray as i've heard fab comments about the stuff.
I've always used the local stuff. what works in Greece dont work in Turkey, Spain etc.
Suffer badly from Mozzie bites, particularly in Greece and Turkey, but strangely enough, never in Spain?????
Have been to the Docs for advice and he said to take Vit B tablets and anti Histamine tablets for 2 to 3 weeks before you travel and for the first few days and you should not reacte to them at all!!
Will be testing this out in a few weeks as I off to Rhodes for a fortnight. I will report back on whether this works on my return....
Citronella oil diluted in water put in small pump spray bottle. Spray your ankles and wrists, found to work very well when in mexico 5yrs ago. Will certainly be doing same again, and you dont smell too bad either.
I always take brewers yeast for a couple of weeks before i go and have not had any problems with mozzies, i also take calcium tablets which helps stop prickly heat rashes.
I have always taken vit B complex. Saw it once in a write up so thought i would have a go and i think it works. Only had 1 bite in 2 years and my husband gets eaten to death but he still won't take them! took them for a good month before i went away.
Tigger, boots sell them i saw them yesterday, they are in a yellow box, (i think) but they definately have them, hope it helps
Plug in mozzie thingy's. Do they still work if you have the windows open at night?
I hate the things but SWMBO insists I take em

They taste absolutely fowl...but...here's a tip...
Take em with Lucozade....No idea why it works but the taste goes after a glass of that...


Description in the catalogue is "Emits variable frequency waves to repel several species of mosquito. No maintenance, refills or insecticides required. Unit covers room 25mm2. Not harmful to pets. Solar panel charges internal battery". only £7.99
The thing only looks like a small mp3 player so its tiny.
I basically want to know if its worth getting one as it has to be better than replacing the mosquito plugs with refills all the time. Has anyone tried them?

Can any of the experts please advise - we are travelling to Greece in July and staying in an apartment with lounge/kitchen area and two bedrooms. Will I need just one plug in mozzie repellent or will I need one for each room? A bit of a stupid question I know but want to be prepared for them
Cheers everyone

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