I returned from Tenerife the day before yesterday (17th Feb), with my son, aged 10, who had been desperate to go to the snowy top of Teide (I had been to the top about twenty years ago - this time of year), so we booked a half day excursion. It was not cheap (24 euros for adults, 12 for children). We were advised to be ready at 7.45am, but had a slip under our door the night before changing this to 7.30am. Having got up early to go, we toured Las Americas and Los Christianos for one and a quarter hours before we finally started the journey up to Teide. The day was fine (I had been praying that it would be clear so that we could go on the cable car, as this was the main purpose of our trip), but it was not until we got to the cable car level that we were told the cable car was not operating that day. I asked the guide why not, and he said that it was because the cable was frozen. Apparently there is usually more snow than there was last week at this time of the year, so I do not know why this was so, and how they manage in ski resorts/glaciers etc. We were then driven around the national park for the rest of the trip, stopping at a couple of cafes, where we were allowed 25 and 15 minutes (during which time we stood in queues for the whole time). We then started the descent, and when back in Las Americas, the coach made 19 stops before ours (I think they are so greedy that they have to completely fill one coach instead of using several)! We had therefore been on the coach for the best part of 7 hours. My son was devastated, and it was an utter waste of time. I think that the tour company knew that the cable car would be closed (I am not sure, but I think I heard someone say it was going to be closed for the next month), and they should have told us. After all, it apparently only takes 38 people, so how could they have had time for all the coach loads of people to queue to go up, and then to come down, in the duration of the trip. Never again. Sorry for the pessimistic reply, and I do hope you have a nice time. It might be worth asking about the cable car before you book, but I expect you'll be told they don't know until the day! Also, I don't like heights at all, but the coach driver was extremely skilful, and I wasn't too scared at all.