Well what a start
April 6 day 1
I spent the early hours of sunday morning at the hospital as my son and his friends had a very bad car crash, my son was one of the lucky ones he was serious but he would live he had broken bones and slight head injury the other boy who was ment to come also had broken bones but was in i/c. But my son was able to talk a bit and he wanted the rest of us to still go on the holiday, well after 7 hours at the hospital i went home and asked the others and we said lets go as my husband was going to look after my son and there wasnt much we could do as they were in the hospital being well looked after. ill let you know how things went as i go on.
Well by then it had started to snow realy hard and i thought maybe we just are not ment to go, well we got a taxi to the train staion and the trains were still running and we got to gatwick on time, we went to check in and then were told there was a delay i thought oh well may be and hour but no they said 12 hour delay and we can put you up at the hilton, so i thought ok at least i can get some rest, so we checked in to the hilton it was very nice but not realy the same as being on our way to our hols, my daughter and her boyfriend and my son were realy hungry but when we went down to the buffet there wasnt anything they liked so we went looking for some chips. Went to the rooms to try and get some rest but i still couldnt sleep as i was scared in case we missed our check in again at 4am so i stayed up again.
Well we checked in at 4am and went through to dapartures im still trying to find them some food as most things are shut i managed to get some crisps and water.
well we have now got on the plane so i thought i could get some sleep on the flight and have a cup of tea, i found the seats fairly comfortble but we did upgrade, I watched a couple of films but i still could not get to sleep, my son, daughter and b/f were all fast asleep, anyway we landed in Goa after a pleasent flight, we got through very quickly and went looking for our cases and found them straight away, one boy wanted £1 for lifting the case over another case which i could do my self, so we all grabed our cases and i told them to hold on to them, but as soon as we got out the the door they grabbed and we said we dont need help but they just done it anyway oh well we tried, my daughters face i thought she was going to cry she said are they going to be like this all holiday, i said know one likes it when they just arrive give a couple days. Any way off to the hotel Osbourne in Calangute.
any way ill try and write some more soon
Looking forward to the next part.
I hope your son is better now- was he due to go with you? You must have really worried about him.
Yes he was ment to go with his friend they are both out of hosptal now, the others in the car ,one was not lucky he died ,one was in a coma for a week but now out of hospital,and a girl of 15 just had a few bruises.It was very scarey.My son has a broken leg and arm and a few cuts and has to have a bed downstairs for 3 months.
Mental hugs Channon.
Looking forward to the rest of your report.
Next day woke up feeling a bit better and went and had breakfast which was a cup of tea toast and jam and juice and the rest of the day we just spent at the pool then we went to ziccos for our dinner and had a lovely curry and just watched all the goings on and went to bed early.
Done the same again and spent all day by the pool but walked down to the beach and went to the fishermans shack with sam the man the, we walked along the edge of the sea and could see why people can drown it looked very strong, it took about one minute before we getting asked do we want this and do we want that i think we were very white and they could see us for miles in the end we bought some necklaces which were very nice, but i really didnt want the xxxxxxx drum.
Next day had breaky and changed rooms and they put us in phase 1 i liked it but now my daughter and her b/f didnt like it as it was to quite other there so i said we would stay there for at least a night to see. spent the evening at the hotel as it was carnival night with fireworks it was ok but not that great the food was ok but im now starting to be off my food.
Went to the spice plantation with our taxi driver robbie who was very nice we had a really lovely time and we washed the elephants and my son rode the elephants the best day so far ,the traffic was just mad every one just drives on what side they like and beep there horns all the time.
Next day we went to sweet water lake and had a really lovely day my daughter and me had our toes painted and i had a mud masssage my son really liked it there as it was safe to swim and had fishes to try and catch.We then went back to the hotel to get changed and we went go karting (well i didnt myself) and that was very good value we then went to ingos for the last market of the season and we bought lots of nik naks. i thought it was a really nice place.
next day We moved room again back to phase 3 i have now got a ground floor room and my daughter a 2nd floor so we are now all happy, and the room boys were happy as every time we moved i payed them to take our bags up and down.I am not moving again no matter what. We then spent the day at the pool and by now my daughters hair was turning green and other people in the pool were actualy turing green it was very funny, spent the day talking to people around the pool and met some realy nice people. We the went to souymans kitchen and we realy liked it there they treated us like royality and the food was lovely and not very expensive.
By now the taxi drivers had stopped saying taxi taxi taxi as they had got to know us a bit but it didnt stop one of them wanting to marry me and and take me out on his moped. My daughter wanted aa dress made for her prom so we went in to the dress makers next to the hotel with a picture of what she wanted and she picked the material and they said it would be ready in 4 days, that evening we went to east meets west, it was very pretty and romantic but i was still not very hungry and just coulndnt eat much but im sure it was very nice we spent the evening at the hotel pool bar and had a cocktail i thought the staff around the pool bar were realy freindly and it had a very nice atmosphere.
next day we went to baga and sat the squeeze shack and i had massage which was realy needed and i went on a jet ski with my son he realy enjoyed that and then we went on a boat looking for dolphins we did see them sort of but now i was feeling sea sick and just wanted to go back , we then went to get a subway as the kids had wanted to see what it was like it was just the same as here but a bit spicer. The evening we spent at the hotel and my son had baby shark for dinner which was very nice.
next day we went to get our taxi again and yes the taxi driver was still trying, we went back to the squeeze shack and had a nice day there and had a curry. in the eveing me and my son went for dinner on our own as my duaghters b/f was feeling unwell
with the deli belly, we went to i-95 wich i thought was the best food all holiday.
As my daughters hair had now turned realy green we booked in to the snip hair and spa salon and she had some highlights and i had a massage and hair wash it was a really nice place and not expensive. Spent the the rest of the day by the pool and went to eat at ziccos and the taxi driver was there and yes he was still trying anyway my son wanted a subway and he sayed do want a lift on my moped and my son sayed yes please so there we are all 3 of us on his moped going to subway and what an experience that was it was very funny.we got back to ziccos and there was a power cut and a thunder storm which was lovely to see the rain for a bit.
We went to the waterfalls today and it was a nice day but not sure if it was worth the long trip and all the mining truks and dust was really horrible but the waterfalls itself was lovely but didnt long enough there.
Went to pick up my daughters dress today but they had made it in the wrong colour so they had to work really quick to do it the wright coulour.Me and my son went to Mandrem beach and had a lovely day collecting shells and a bit of peace and quite and we could go in the sea as it was a bit more safe than others.
Anyway had the dress remade and the wright colour this time and it was lovely we went back to the beach and said goodbye to sam the man at thefishermans.
Our last night i spent sitting at the pool bar as i didnt want to sleep in case i slept in as our pickup was at 4am i managed until 2.30am and yes i fell asleep and then had banging at the door from the room boys i had 10 minutes to get up and to the taxi to take us to the airport and yes it was the taxi driver who wanted to marry me, any way made to the airport and threw the customs and stamping and stamping, and our flight left on time and then about 4 hrs in to the flight the captain said we might have a fire in the hold and the breaks might not work so we had to land at the nearest airport so we had to do the crash landing postions and we landed safely in moscat in oman with firengines chasing us up the runway anyway by now there are people crying and fainting but at least were down and we were stuck there for 4 hrs in very very hot temp with no aircon, anyway we made it back to gatwick 4 hrs late but all in one piece.
sorry if its a bit muddled but tryed to remember it as much as possible.
Would i go back?
Yes i would go back i thought it was full of life and and not as much of a culture shock as i thought i liked the hectic roads ,the noise but also the quite beaches and also the lovely people
My son is getting better each day and when he is fully fit i will take him to goa as soon as we can.
sounds like a terrifying end to your holiday. I take it you were in Oman for a long time and that you flew home on a different plane. Who were you flying with? What follow up have you had from them?
We still had the same plane as they said they coulndnt find anything wrong in the end and yes i will be getting in touch with monarch
sorry- didnt read your post properly as you said you were for 4 hours. I'm surprised everyone was happy enough to continue with the same plane. When you say no a/c, I'm assuming you mean the airport and not the plane??
tip here for next time,if bleached hair goes green (chlorine in the pool)smother with tomato ketchup leave for 5 minutes and shampoo out.dont know why but it works!!!
a desperate blonde no doubt
Yes i heard that but she said that she was not putting ketchup on her hair and i told hre to put lemon juice on but i think she just wanted her hair done, and we had to stay on the plane as they would not let us get off and it was extremley hotand the toilets were starting to smell bad.
good heavens- there was a suspected fire on board and they kept you on it?? I'm surprised there wasn't a riot. You need to take this further. Which flight number did you have? You are a far calmer person than I am as I don't think I could write about it in 4 lines at the end of a report. I would have been terrified
I ll have a look at my tickets later and let you know , by the way ive put some pics in the upload bit i dont know if ive done it ok?
you need to put a post in complaints detailing what you have told us and also the flight number. I can't believe that you were kept on a plane with a suspected fire and I'm sure you must have some recourse.
just in case you are putting together a post for the Complaints forum- are you absolutely certain the reason the pilot gave for the emergency landing was a possible fire on board?
I did laugh at the room changes and the happy room boys

you have only posted twice this year and both have been removed. If you have nothing meaningful to contribute to the forum it is best not to post at all.
Fiona ht mod

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