Unfortunately the bank that claims to be "proud to be different" has decided it's time to join all the other crooks and charge for cash machine withdrawals! Since I've recommended this account to lots of people in the past, solely because it was the only one that didn't charge, I felt I ought to warn people that this will be done from November 2010. This will obviously be of particular concern to people living abroad who use the cash machines a lot.
The charge (for now) is less than my other bank, Barclays, so I won't be closing the Flexaccount just yet, but I will certainly be changing the way I use the account. I actually feel quite betrayed by Nationwide, so there will no longer be any money in there when I'm not on holiday!
there is already a thread running about this.
Oops, that's what comes of not opening my mail for weeks. Still, it might be a reminder to people who were going to take action and never got round to it because of the school holidays.
Just glad I go next month on my holidays instead of November
They've softened the blow by providing free european travel insurance for present flex account customers- At least it's something, although I'm one that the new fees are going to affect
They probably wouldnt have implemented the charges if hundreds of people had not opened the account just to use on their holidays.
Today is the day when the Nationwide's previous great deal for foreign exchange ends.
Must remember to visit the Halifax, with their similar account instead of free insurance that doesn't actually cover me they just give me £60 a year cashback which I can buy some real insurance with!
A few T and C's, but well worth it for anyone making several trips per year. I'll certainly be switching as this is the best option for me now.
Norwich and Peterborough Building Society is the saviour, and it starts in January.

regards tracey
There is information on their website
never mind the charges! That page includes a link to a new message saying you have to register the countries you are planning on visiting which is completely the opposite to the old policy when they never needed any advice. And it seems you can only register 10 countries which could be a bind for regular travellers or round the world tours!
I had my credit card blocked in Vegas in May and had to call them. I was told it was because I hadn't told them I would be using it outside the UK. I checked their website and it was still saying that you didn't need to call them and that message had been updated just a couple of days before my card was blocked.
I called them on a couple of different occasion when I got home. One said I had to tell them, the other said I didn't. I made a formal complaints as I had a few other issues with them.
Good to see that they have finally got round to updating their website even though it took them until 27 January this year to do it.

the flexaccount notice was timed at 15:05 yesterday, I've just been into my branch and they knew nothing about it. After some investigation, this is at least the second attempt at wording and is still not perfect. The branch manager (it caused a bit of a panic with the staff!) has said that registration is optional and only available to those who are signed up for internet banking. I got the feeling it's another move by NW to steer people away from branches and she's not happy!
and the notice about credit cards says "help reduce the chance of your card being restricted" rather than actually stop it.
But the website is a dogs dinner - the only way we could get at the notice was through the search option, it doesn't seem to have any logical linking from a menu.
Last Autumn they Nationwide completly screwed up my trip to America by freezing my card not once but twice over the space of a week. They even rang me at 3.30am USttime to give me an automated message that they had done so second time around! This was despte the fact that I had told them in advance I was going and also I had told them in advance that I was spending approx £200 with one specific company that I know caused them a problem 12 months ago on a similar trip (they had previously processed 3 transactions from this company over the last 12 months without problem)! Luckily the company concerned trusted me and provided the service I had booked (it was a city tour) without their payment and I managed to get it settled on my return to the UK.
This was the thrid time that Nationwide had caused me problems abroad. Twice in the US and once in Canada. Everytime I had notified them in advance of the trip.
After years of using it with no problems, I've had nothing but bother the last couple of trips and now use a Halifax Clarity card instead. Their loss as I used to put a *lot* of spending onto that card.
Howeve you shouldn't have a problem using the FlexAccount debit card. As they had the audacity to tell me, they block the credit card if they notice "unusual" spending as that is "their money". However the debit card is your money so you are more likely to keep an eye on it.
I got an automated anti-f raud call recently asking me to confirm 2 transactions made in US dollars. One I had done the previous day, but the other one was from 3 weeks earlier. I think 3 weeks later could have been too late if the transaction had been f raudulent.

I still think the card will work out as cheap as getting it from the post office as you get the Visa rate which is more than the post office/high streets. So for your £300 you get a better rate overall. You may get a better rate abroad but then you have to take the English money with you and I don't like to carry that much English, especially for a two week holiday!
Is there a maximum charge? Have looked at their website and can't see any reference to a maximum amount. Sorry, if this has already been posted and I've missed it!
Maximum spend on purchases will be set by how much you have in the account (as will cash withdrawal if less than £250) or the floor limit of the business.
Until last week they still had a no-charge-on-purchases-in-Europe credit card but I'm told they aren't issuing any more on those terms. But the Post Office are advertising one. Both would be more expensive than a Flex debit card for cash withdrawals.
We all need to switch to the ZERO ACCOUNT with Santander you dont pay a penny to lift cash out anywhere in the world .....colleen

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