Hi I am also going on the MS Stephanie in August, has anyone been on this trip? What are the rooms like, food etc?
Thank you for that. What is the food like? We have booked fully inclusive so hopefully everything should be covered. Were the rooms okay? I have only seen pictures of these, they look nice. We are also booked with The Co-Operative Travel. The trip to Abu-Simbel - that is an optional one I think, am I right? The other trips i understand are first thing in the morning, what time do you have to get up for them, and I take it you have breakfast before you go - just curious. Tipping - how much do you have to have available for everyone? Sorry, questions, questions, questions, but I have never done anything like this before, usually spend a couple of weeks in a hot place, hotel and pool! Thanks for your help. If you have any videos/pics of the boat (other than the usualy ones you see on the brochures), I would be very grateful.
As regards the excursions, the Abu Simbel one will leave the boat at about 03:00 if going by coach or 04:30-05:00 if going by air (assuming you are taking this excursion whilst in Aswan) - you will be back on the boat in time for lunch. Other excursions vary in start time, but some can be as early as 06:00 (to avoid the mid-day heat and for scheduling to avoid congestion at some of the sites). Breakfast will be provided before you leave and, if it is the same as the boat I went on, a refreshing flannel and drink will greet you on your return.
Tipping varies from boat to boat - the most common being an envelope provided at the end of the cruise for the boat crew and an envelope for your guide. The amount you give is entirely up to you, although there will be a suggested amount recommended by your tour operator. You could also consider giving small tips to staff who, in your eyes, are especially deserving of such as you go along (one or two LE is fine) - I did this with waiting staff, bar staff and the pool attendants on my boat plus a 20LE tip after the first two days to the cabin steward.
Any left over toiletries etc can also be left behind for the cabin staff to save weight in the suitcase and make room for the King Tut paperweight you will have purchased!
Thank you Jet for your advice on tipping and trips.I am really looking forward to going on this trip. Can't wait.

anyone one been on any of the MS boats?
also i read that we should protect against Miliaria do i have to get tablets via Gp?
For bugs which are many go to the chemist and ask for any spray with 50% Deet.
Trips are normally set for a 6am call unless going to Abu Simbeal which is a 03.15, lounge for tea or coffee then pick up your breakfast back as the road trip goes across the Sahara it is a long trip and a long morning, there is no photographing allowed inside the the Temple of Ra or the Temple of Nefratarry but you can get pics from your guide. it is a long walk in hot weather. but well worth it.
My cabin was 304 on the Port side of the boat
Good holiday but you need to be able to walk and learn to avoid the street traders that have stalls set up at all the places you go.
ll the Best with you holiday.

You don't need Malaria tablets for the main resorts of Egypt and this includes the Nile Cruises, Malaria protection is only required if travelling in to the remote parts of the country.
You will still need to take mossie protection as the little blighters will bite you.
Bobbydog323 has also post some additional info

I am sure you will love it.
I am going on the RAII in November for a 7 day cruise. Has anybody been on this boat? I would like to know what it's like and how you got on with the food. Does everyone really get an upset stomach? What time do you start the morning excursions and do you have extremely early breakfasts? Is there a chance to buy bottles of water off the boat? Do you have "free" time to do this?
hi all....we have just booked a nile cruise for our 10th anniversary in november....we are going all inclusive on the nile angel but i cant seem to find any infomation about this one...can anybody help and also any tips would be welcome for when we get there
Mmmmm not much out there on the Nile Angel
Go to
thanks for the replies, i booked with a company called preferred egypt and they said it was a brand new boat x
Can anybody confirm what money changing facilities there are on board the MS Stephanie? does the reception change money and/or your rep?
On the M.S. Stephanie. there is not a machine to change cash or to draw cash it said that credit cards are not accepted on the Stephanie, i never changed cash i went to an ATM, when you are out on the excursions, ask George or H, who are two of the guides they will take you to a bank to get money, H runs the group called the Crocodiles they will help you with whatever you need.
Thank Ron
Hi peeps, hubby and I are going on a Nile Cruise on 13/9/10 on the Grand Rose, this is our first time, although not at Egypt. Do we need to take malaria tablets with being on the Nile? Any feedback about the boat or any information we need to know prior to our cruise would be most useful and much appreciated.
Do we need to take malaria tablets with being on the Nile?
No you don't need to take any anti malaria tablets, take repellant spray as you may still get bitten though

I dont know anything about your Boat as i was on the MS Stephanie, i take it they are a bit similar.
ave a good holiday.

Thank you Bobby Dog and Kitman for your comments.
Hi, just asking about tipping on the boat and when out on excursions is it best to take sterling pound coins or dollars or egyptian.

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