When I stayed at the Hilton in Luxor they had sunbeds submerged in the water which meant you could have cool water on your back while basking in the sun , bit of a problem if you wanted to suntan your back though .
My honest opinion on all this , is that people are too easily offended these days , kids want to play with an inflatable whatever in the pool , people moan and complain because they get splashed or its too noisy , an adult wants to just relax and chill out on a lilo floating around , people complain they can't swim because the pool is full of rubber , I'm sure everyone could be happy and enjoy themselves , but no people have get annoyed and feel offended and then we have to have more rules and we can pin the blame on health and safety to justify it because people just couldn't be sensible and thoughtful , and then we end up with everyone being fed up and miserable !! Jeez life's too short , we can all lock ourselves away in our own little private worlds so we don't annoy anyone or anyone annoys us . Isn't life suppose to be about having fun ? At least sometimes eh ?
madasharley wrote:I cant get my head around a grown up lounging about on a lilo in the pool??? surely the object of a pool is too swim in ??
if you want to lie around in the sun whats wrong with your sun bed !!!
leave the pool to people who want to swim around without crashing into a bloody rubber thingy...
there my rant over.
I swim at least 40 lengths per day. It is an olympic sized pool and never bumped into a lilo. I don't want to lay on a sunbed and roast. You are as young as you feel and obviously I haven't lost that element of fun which isn't exclusive to children. and you obviously lack.
Sanji wrote:
I'm not referring to those cases.
You were but got it wrong so retract....laughable
There are more UK children that tragically drown abroad in swimming pools, than in swimming pools in the UK.
Doh...That's because people holiday in sunny climates.
It takes 2 minutes for a child to drown, there's no splash or noise, they sink to the bottom and within 4 to 6 mins, they are brain dead.
A person can drown in a puddle!
Hotels do have disclaimers so wrong again!
Currently under Spanish law, A full investigation would take place to establish the circumstances surrounding the child’s death and the percentage of liability you carry. As a swimming pool owner and that also means hotel owners, it is your responsibility to provide a safe, healthy environment for people who come into contact with the pool.
Same in every country!
And the crux of the whole situation is that the lifeguard on duty will be the first person in the firing line if something happens on their watch- therefore all pools have to be constructed where the lifeguards can have full unobstructed views including baby pools - Lilo's and other inflatables can restrict that view.
Rubbish. There's are more than one pool in the hotels I've been in and the lifeguard sits at one and now and again casually strolls around. If it's hot and there are many swimmers in the pool that would also block his/her view.
This is getting laughable now. I understand anyone being upset at buying something for a specific use and then not being able to use it but It's quite obvious to me that the OP isn't really interested in anyones answer but just wants to carry on ranting and being rude to anyone who gives a viewpoint different to his.
I'm not referring to those cases.
You were but got it wrong so retract....laughable
Actually, I wasn't and I can't be bothered to trawl through the archives of the Spanish press, but I do recall at the time having a similar conversation quite a few years ago with David ( Mod) when Tenerife banned all lilos and inflatables in the pool. David had read the same Spanish press as myself - a quick search dated from 2006 .
Hi simdav .... whilst I can appreciate your disappointment, my understanding is that this increasingly common policy of banning inflatables from pools is primarily (but not solely) a safety issue. There have been cases reported in Spain of kids drowning in supervised pools, because parents and lifeguards were unable to see them beneath all the inflatables which covered the surface of the pools, or the particular section of the pool which they were in. It was claimed that had it not been for the inflatables, lifeguards would have been able to see them as soon as they got into difficulty, and reached them before it was too late.
Perhaps if holiday complexes could clearly explain the reasons for such rules, detailing safety concerns if appropriate, children and parents may be more understanding.
There are more UK children that tragically drown abroad in swimming pools, than in swimming pools in the UK.
Doh...That's because people holiday in sunny climates.
Please don't try and be facetious, and if you're going to quote me, then keep it in context. You stated that more people drown in the sea, the EU statistics say otherwise.
And the crux of the whole situation is that the lifeguard on duty will be the first person in the firing line if something happens on their watch- therefore all pools have to be constructed where the lifeguards can have full unobstructed views including baby pools - Lilo's and other inflatables can restrict that view.
Rubbish. There's are more than one pool in the hotels I've been in and the lifeguard sits at one and now and again casually strolls around. If it's hot and there are many swimmers in the pool that would also block his/her view.
Maybe you would like to take it up regarding the number of lifeguards required by law with the relevant Spanish authorities or ague with a Spanish lawyer.?
Every collective use pool with a water surface greater than 200m2 must have lifeguard services. The lifeguards must have the official certificate for life guarding. The number of lifeguards will be required as follows:
A) One lifeguard for pools from 200 to 500 m2 of water surface.
b) Two lifeguards for pools from 500 to 1000 m2 of water surface.
c) For pools bigger than 1000 m2 of water surface, one lifeguard will be added for every vessel or 500 m2 of water surface
Regardless what is stated above, if the separation between pools does not allow an efficient watchfulness, a lifeguard will be required for each pool as a minimum.
Finally, Your tour operator has a legal obligation to ensure all measures are taken to safeguard your health and safety - some insurance policies do not cover the use of lilos, end of.!
Judith wrote:This is getting laughable now. I understand anyone being upset at buying something for a specific use and then not being able to use it but It's quite obvious to me that the OP isn't really interested in anyones answer but just wants to carry on ranting and being rude to anyone who gives a viewpoint different to his.
I agree Judith, the poster has been asked twice to name the hotel- If you go searching for a National Spanish law on the issue of lilos, you'll not find one, because AFAIK, swimming pools are under the jurisdiction of the local authorities in the Autonomous provinces, I know Communidad Valencia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands have adopted this ban- others may have also- I can't be bothered to go find the info regarding other provinces.
Limit the use of no more than 2 inflatables in the pool at any one time.
Then let's all sit back and see how the holidaymakers sort out how to work out a daily roster for their use as each day goes by!

Quite frankly, I find inflatables are an absolute pain in the backside! We visit a pool on a regular basis (a timeshare pool just up the road from where we live), in fact we've just come back from there in the last hour or so and go 2 or 3 times each week through the summer months and as local expats keep the place in business over winter.
Today, there were 2 kids in the pool with inflatables while some people were trying to length swim and constantly having to dodge the crocodile and giant rubber ring. The kids were shouting and screaming until finally one of the parents told them to shut up. Not only that, they were totally oblivious to the fact that there were other people in the pool..... It's that which gets my goat every time. If they watched where they were going, it would make life so much easier but sadly they do not.

That's how I like the pool to be..... It was lovely and quiet when we first arrived.
See at the front left side (a large dolphin and another lilo waiting to join in the queue for the pool). Imagine how much room will be left for swimming once you get them in with the crocodile and the large rubber ring!
I too would be interested to know where this hotel is in Spain? Maybe it's somewhere I could go on holiday from sunny Cyprus for a change!
I too would be interested to know where this hotel is in Spain? Maybe it's somewhere I could go on holiday from sunny Cyprus for a change!
I didn't say it was quiet in the pool areas. Perhaps go deep into the desert and find an oasis if you want peace & quiet??
Bah humbug
hayesdays wrote:
I too would be interested to know where this hotel is in Spain? Maybe it's somewhere I could go on holiday from sunny Cyprus for a change!
I didn't say it was quiet in the pool areas. Perhaps go deep into the desert and find an oasis if you want peace & quiet??
Bah humbug
Still not giving out the necessary information I see..... which makes me think that somewhere in your post there is something missing. Such as perhaps there was a notice about inflatables that maybe you just chose to ignore because you are such a regular visitor?
I've also worked in the tour ops industry in UK and wholeheartedly can agree that the British holidaymaker these days are very keen to jump on the "let's sue the bu**ers" bandwagon. It was mine and my team's jobs to recover customer compensation back from the hotel or service supplier once we had established it was their breach of contract that enforced us to pay compensation in the first place....
Hayesdays, PLEASE tell us which hotel it was, so people can either avoid it, or choose it, as they wish. YOU have that information, we don't.
This is getting laughable now. I understand anyone being upset at buying something for a specific use and then not being able to use it but It's quite obvious to me that the OP isn't really interested in anyones answer but just wants to carry on ranting and being rude to anyone who gives a viewpoint different to his.
Spot on as usual Judith.
Can I also ask the OP which hotel he is referring to and if he won't give a name - why not?
Spot on as usual Judith.
Can I also ask the OP which hotel he is referring to and if he won't give a name - why not?
Don't hold your breath waiting for him to name the hotel! Even though he's been back here and posted since being asked 3 times to name the hotel and where it is, he is still ignoring the question. It's leading me to conclude that either the hotel doesn't exist and/or the incident is fictitious but that this is definitely someone who has absolutely no interest in helping others avoid this hotel if they too would like to float around in the pool on a lilo. All of which begs the question as to why he posted in the first place since he's also ignored questions from Darren that might have helped him if he was looking to complain to either to the hotel or the agent he booked it through.
One word
Quite frankly, I find inflatables are an absolute pain in the backside! We visit a pool on a regular basis (a timeshare pool just up the road from where we live), in fact we've just come back from there in the last hour or so and go 2 or 3 times each week through the summer months and as local expats keep the place in business over winter.
Today, there were 2 kids in the pool with inflatables while some people were trying to length swim and constantly having to dodge the crocodile and giant rubber ring. The kids were shouting and screaming until finally one of the parents told them to shut up. Not only that, they were totally oblivious to the fact that there were other people in the pool..... It's that which gets my goat every time. If they watched where they were going, it would make life so much easier but sadly they do not.
have I got this correct?
you use someone elses pool and then grumble when the people who own it / have paid for a holiday there/ or otherwise contribute to its existence, use it?
del949 wrote:
have I got this correct?
you use someone elses pool and then grumble when the people who own it / have paid for a holiday there/ or otherwise contribute to its existence, use it?
No, you haven't got it correct.
We don't use someone else's pool..... we're members and we live here all year round which means pouring money into the unit when nobody else is here over winter.
del949 wrote:
have I got this correct?
you use someone elses pool and then grumble when the people who own it / have paid for a holiday there/ or otherwise contribute to its existence, use it?

Really why do people get so worked up ? It's a holiday discussion forum , not an investigation at The Hague .
No problem people not agreeing or having different views , just can't believe people getting worked up about a blown up rubber thingy .
Whilst on another thread Fiona wonders why 600 are viewing but little contribution ?? Too busy

As the police always say. Move along now , nothing to see

have I got this correct?
you use someone elses pool and then grumble when the people who own it / have paid for a holiday there/ or otherwise contribute to its existence, use it?
Lol...exactly my thoughts
hayesdays wrote:
Lol...exactly my thoughts
And again, I'll add my reply..... to del949
cyprus100 wrote:
No, you haven't got it correct.
We don't use someone else's pool..... we're members and we live here all year round which means pouring money into the unit when nobody else is here over winter.
Meanwhile, hayesdays - we're still waiting with baited breath for the name of the place you stayed in Spain that treated you so abhorrently by taking your money and not allowing you to use your inflatable in the pool.

SMa wrote:Don't hold your breath waiting for him to name the hotel! Even though he's been back here and posted since being asked 3 times to name the hotel and where it is, he is still ignoring the question. It's leading me to conclude that either the hotel doesn't exist and/or the incident is fictitious but that this is definitely someone who has absolutely no interest in helping others avoid this hotel if they too would like to float around in the pool on a lilo. All of which begs the question as to why he posted in the first place since he's also ignored questions from Darren that might have helped him if he was looking to complain to either to the hotel or the agent he booked it through.
I don't have to name the hotel because I was informed by friends who reside in the Canaries who have made some enquiries that there are very few that allow linflatables or balls for that matter, unless of course one of the daily activities is waterpolo/volleyball. then it's ok to smash the ball into some sunlounging persons face.
My post was merely a personal experience but as per usual on websites like this you have a little band of opinionated know it alls with nothing better to do with their lives other than moan about a room being smaller than expected or the toiletries not being elizabeth arden, or the shower taking time to warm up, not enough typical brit food, not wanting to be splashed in a pool, too many kids, inflatable crocodiles etc etc etc
Get a life, you are supposed to be on holiday; get out and enjoy the sun and people's company you boring old farts!
hayesdays wrote:
I don't have to name the hotel because I was informed by friends who reside in the Canaries who have made some enquiries that there are very few that allow linflatables or balls for that matter, unless of course one of the daily activities is waterpolo/volleyball. then it's ok to smash the ball into some sunlounging persons face.
My post was merely a personal experience but as per usual on websites like this you have a little band of opinionated know it alls with nothing better to do with their lives other than moan about a room being smaller than expected or the toiletries not being elizabeth arden, or the shower taking time to warm up, not enough typical brit food, not wanting to be splashed in a pool, too many kids, inflatable crocodiles etc etc etc
Get a life, you are supposed to be on holiday; get out and enjoy the sun and people's company you boring old farts!
hayesdays wrote:
Having to resort to insults is pretty immature.
Totally agree, you've certainly made yourslf look pretty immature