thanks for the reply. as u cud see from my other post i had cheched glw airports site re this flight and know that it is only olympic on this flight
when i say i tried to book another flight or package deal for this flight during summer 05 for any friday i tried to do this thro olympic only and was told they only do monday flights from glw.
that is why i was wondering about my booking. even if they were fully booked for fri 24/6. why is there no availability for any other friday during the season.thats whats got me wondering. they have 2 flight on a monday from glw to corfu. so have they cut the fri flight from their schedules. and then eventually tell us that they have switched us
to one of their mon flights which is no use to us. by the time they get round to doing this the other available flights from glw/corfu may be fully booked.