Hi this is a bit long but would welcome any advice basically what happened was there was 6 of us travelling to vegas as I was gettin married.
The service we received from My travel was absolutely dreadful from start to end.
We arrived at the airport at the suggested time and were all very excited as we were traveling out to get married 3 days later. We proceeded through passport security and everything was fine. We commenced check in, however, a few minutes after my fiance handing over his passport the lady behind the check in desk disappeared without any explanation. The lady then appeared about 15 to 20 minutes later with another representative from My Travel who informed my fiance that he would not be traveling with My Travel on that day. She went on to explain that his passport appeared damaged and that it looked like it had been tampered with and to go away and get a new passport and come back to see about getting another flight on the Sunday, she deemed his passport unfit for travel. When we asked if we could speak to someone else, we were told in no uncertain terms that we would not be allowed to speak to anyone else and that her decision was final. Eventually after much persuasion another gentleman came and was incredibly threatening towards one of my sisters who was traveling with us. He showed a complete a lack of respect for individuals in general, never mind one of My travel's customers. The lady then handed the passport back to my fiance saying that it had nothing to do with the fact that he was Irish. Previous to this, this had not even crossed our minds, however we then started to think that this was a possibility as he was the only person who held an Irish passport and the damage to my fiance's passport was similar to that of my own, a British passport. Out of our party of 6 people 4 of us decided to travel with, leaving two people behind including my husband to be.
My fiance and another in our party went to another airline in the airport and managed to get another flight later that day, causing us much expense and frustration. The airline had no problem with his passport and he traveled into America with no problems. He then traveled out of America with My Travel with no problems. The only people that seemed to think that his passport appeared damaged was My Travel staff at Manchester.
If the My Travel representative truly believed that my fiance's passport had been tampered with, surely it meant that it was an illegal document and that she should have not given him back his passport and called the police.
During your flight the service was absolutely terrible. When the inadequate meal was served it was served with hot drinks, as I was very thirsty I had one. Ten minutes later the airhostess served cordial and when I asked if I could have a drink I was told that I'd already had a drink and so was not allowed another. I expect that I should have been informed that they would eventually be serving cold drinks. The staff very completely unhelpful and unapproachable.
On out return flight, there was a problem with the sound from our T.V. screens, when I informed the airhostess of this problem I was responded to with ignorant response of, " What do you expect me to do, I'm not an engineer". This was hardly helpful or polite.
The service I received from My Travel has caused me much grief, undue stress and expense
We cannot claim from our insurance. Ive written a letter to My Travel but i dont hold out much hope of a response
any advice gratefully appreciated
can no one advise me if my travel was right or if i have a case against them!
It might be an idea of you call Ros on 01922 621114. Ros is a solicitor specialising in travel law and will be able to advise and assist in your case being dealt with this.
Good luck and let us know the outcome!
In my personal opinion, your treatment appears to be very unfair and you should get some compensation.

as for respocse they haveto reply to your letter , its just confusing me where you actually were stopped from boarding and if this was a suspected tampered passport the police should have been called at that time ,
sorry if i have read this all wrong , and you didnt say how your wedding went
what happened was, when we got to the airport we had to go through passport security, in that they checked our passport and scanned them, and that was fine! Then we followed on to check in and thats when the problems started!
The lady from My Travel said that his passport looked tampered with, was unfit for travl and that the damage done to it looked like the photo could have been changed, in her words "you could have changed that photo for Osma Bin ladens", i dont understand that bit, but hubby looks nothing like osma anyway, hes white for a start and about 50 years younger!
Anyway, fair enough i understand how tight they have to be on security but surely they should have called the police if they thought it had been tampered with and not given the passport back! And it was fine with the other airline, and with My Travel on the way back!
A security guard even came to talk to us and said he had seen worse passports than that before and they'd never refused travel.
The way thjey treated us was absolutely appalling as well!
as someone suggested contacted Ros urgently and when did you send you letter of complaint , if you still have it on disk or the hard drive , send it again with a covering letter but send by REGISTERED MAIL as they cant say they never received it
security is tough and how some of my freinds whose passports are now in their 9th year getthrou i will never know especially as one ahs put on about 20 stone since ,
i sympathise entirely with what has happened and that they spoiled what was the best time of your life just make sure they are held reponsible i would also ask them why if that was their reason not to allow travel why the police were not called as they are all overthe airport in uniform and plain clothed and someone would have been there very very soon ,
if you were drunk they would have got them their soon enough so why not when you were there
thanks for your advice, ive sent a letter but dont hold out much hope!
the sad thing is, hes only used his passport once whereas mines been all over the place and is so battered!
thanks again
I am a little confused as to why you went through passport security before checking in for your flight. We have travelled quite a lot - primarily Europe but check in always comes before passport control. Yes, they obviously check your passport on checking in as the name on the passport and the tickets has to be the same but this is not the same as passport control.
I honestly dont know why this was, ive never encountered it before myself!
before checking-in. They then check-in and have their tickets/passport checked again and then go on to passport control. So there are 3 stages for people travelling to USA as opposed to 2 for people going anywhere else.
I think that anyone travelling to America gets their passport scanned
When we travelled to the USA before, our passports were checked when (1) checking in, (2) prior to getting through security to go airsite and (3) when boarding.
I'm not trying to be cheeky and I have every sympathy with what you went through, but I'm confused. Whenever I've flown to either the US or to anywhere else, the first time I've produced my documents would be at check-in. Who is there to give them to before check-in?
upon my return to work i asked a few people there who'd also been to the states and they also had this same security process. totally different to when traveling within europe but the americans are a lot more security concious over everything.
please let us know what comes of everything, i hope your wedding went without any further problems
It is the same at Charles De Gaulle airport at Paris. For ALL flights, you first go through a passport security check before you check in. Bit of a bind really if you're flight is delayed as you cannot leave the airport, as we found out when out BA flight was delayed for five hours.
when we flew Virgin to Orlando in Aug, they took our passports from us in the queue and put a sticker on them before we got to the check in desk.
I flew in and out of CDG this summer and there was nothing before check in. Must be me!
at the time,i thought,it was just because,we were travelling,with an american airline & this was their normal procedure.
I have also had my passport checked by security at manchester previous to booking in. We were flying with an american airline "Continental Airlines" and also thought this maybe normal procedure for this airline. This was in 1999 flying to Las Vegas. In fact I still have the security sticker stuck to the back of my passport. Regards Jayjan
The second time we flew with MyTravel. On this occassion the first time the passports were looked at was at check in. Perhaps this was because MyTravel have a dedicated check in area which deals with flights to all destinations or perhaps it is the American airlines which do the extra check before actual check in.
Whichever, I think all airlines are extra cautious with flights to the US as their entry procedures are so stringent. Having said that it was a lot quicker and easier flying into Las Vegas than it was into Atlanta.
I'm no expert at security measures at airports but i've had a bit of experience at dealing with a tour operator when you have a complaint. I have been dealing with MyTravel too re some problems that occurred for us this year. So far, they have replied within a reasonable time limit but they never directly answer any specific questions. They have apologised and sent a voucher, which has been returned. We won't give up on this as we know we have a valid complaint. If you can put up with writing a few letters and getting a bit frustrated with the response you receive, then complain and keep at it till you get a satisfactory conclusion. And if you need a bit of help, call Ros.
Best wishes to you and please let us know how you get on.

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