Dear Ex-Pats & People in the know......
I'm moving over to Tenerife for work shortly and I've discovered that if I want to take my two suitcases it's gonna cost me an additional £200 over the cost of my ticket (for the second bag).
Your apparently only allowed 23Kg in your hold baggage, but while thats enough for a holiday, it doesnt cover moving to another country for long-term work (you need so many different things).
I have two bags, each around 20Kg; while i can take the first, the second will cost me an arm and a leg. I wanted to tan those limbs, not trade them for transport costs.
Has anybody got a cheap way of getting a bag (20Kg) from the UK to Tenerife? (no jokes please - i know its tempting).
Feel free to email me.
I have been lucky up till now, though haven't been that much overweight! I have gone to the check in staff and explained I am going back to work with a

The only time I have had absolutely no joy at all was on Ryanair, but the charters to Lanzarote have been okay!!!!!!!!

Jonny, you can send your stuff quite cheaply by air using ..........
I sent over 5 large boxes including computer, printer and a whole lot of personal stuff far more than just one extra bag, for somewhere around £250. Door to door, going by volume rather than weight. Worth getting a quote.
Alternatively find out if your airline transport golf bags for free if it does get an old one put a couple of clubs in and then stuff it with you kit and seal it- it worked for me
But if your female, aged 18-40'ish, look great in and out of a bikini, and fancy a free holiday to Tenerife for a week; by all means send in your details with a current pic (lol)

* No, seriously, I know you should never take a bag overseas for anybody else; i'm just playing with you.

Why not try parcelforce or DHL or somebody like that? I'd be cheaper I'm sure.
Because it still has to be flown out, and therefore has to incurr fees, and since Tenerife is a special zone (whatever that means) its seriously expensive.
When you can get an online deal of 7 nights for just over £110 (flight and accommodation) it's cheaper to do it that way.
Heck i might just do a flying trip (no pun intended) and collect the thing myself. Whats 11 hours on a plane compared to £200 extortion money for cargo.
Blimey... You'll just have to wear 20 kilos of clothing on the way out. Hope you find something cheaper... How's this for a suggestion, cheapie flights to somewhere in mainland Spain, then send by standard courier from there. not sure but 20 kilos should be about 70 euros.
The problem seems to be the 'special zone' status.
I think I'll just pay for a holiday for somebody, at least I'll get something for the money.
You said you are going to Tenerife to work is it for an English company based there or a Spanish one, which ever one why not try and get them to pay for the extra baggage as you will be working for them.
I do believe SERVISAIR is the company to use, apparantly it works out a lot cheaper. Or at least so they tell me everytime I have an argument in the UK when I am flying back to Tenerife!!!
No, there is a third answer which is:
"Leave most of your clothes at home and buy new out there"
Which is great if you've not just completely replaced your usual Scottish (winter) wardrobe with an all new Tenerife (summer) one; at great expense!
What it comes down to is that airlines should take into consideration the fact that not everybody is going overseas for 7 days with 1 pair of trainers, a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and a spare pair of boxers.
I know its all to do with fuel costs etc, but I dont see them repaying those who do travel light with no hold baggage; surely there must be a balance point.
I have to take not only casual beach clothes, but general clothes; work clothes; necessary items; dress suits for functions....... etc. You can't get that into 23Kg; dear god the shoes and the bag are about 8Kg.
we always go to tenerife at xmas with loads of extras. I put them in a cardboard box, and when checking in, dont put it on the scales, hold onto it while she puts the label on and she will tell you in has to be taken to another desk (fragile items) to be scanned and it doesnt get incluided in your weight!!
HMMMMmmmmmmmmm now that is interesting; might look into that.
Do easyjet fly to tenerife.......if so.........20 kg hold 10 kg sports equipment.......unlimited weight cabin luggage one piece not larger than 55cm x 40cm x long as you can lift it unaided into the overhead locker.................go for it
My advice is not applicable to Timeshare Touts.........the lowest form of life in Tenerife
Sorry, but surely you mean on EARTH
Thanks to all who have posted to this thread; I think I have this sorted now.
The nice people at Thomson

They also have a far better system for taking bagage (take note BA) which means i can take all my luggage for only £49 extra. One hell of a difference from the total £417 wanted by BA!!
Just goes to show you - shop around and you will save money.
In this case £306 of a saving; thank you Thomson!
* Quick note to the other airlines:

Time to get your finger out and realise that not everybody travelling is doing so for 24hrs on a beach; and therefore might actually need to take more than a speedo and a pair of flip-flops. We dont ask for much, just a certain flexibility when it comes to special circumstances (i.e. non-short term stays / moving over seas).
The one that annoys me is when I stand there in the check in que at 11 stone in weight and they want to charge excees baggage yet the next person in the que is twenty odd stone!!!

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