I look at this view
*Edit please could you provide link the pics are stretching the forum Briar.
Gorgeous, Gorgeous I llok at the holiday snaps and dream x
that look really nice
I love this set of photos of the Fethiye area, love looking at the boats and the sea in the sunshine.

I like looking at the pics from my trip to swedan last march, deep snow everywhere and the most beautyful scenery.
If I knew how to how to put pics on here I would show a few.
A bit different to next years holiday to side, from being frozen to being cooked.

*Edit please could you provide a link at the picture was stretching the forum thanks Briar
Edited by
can't think of a username
2007-11-28 23:10:37
looks to chilli for me lol

My sincere apologies... but I didn't realise it wasn't allowed. I wouldn't for one minute, have posted it during the Summer months, when the forum is chocker-block with posts... I just thought i'd share my favourite picture (taken this Summer) with the forum - especially the BITEZ lovers - because the posts have been so few and far between!
I know there is a section to post photos, but I thought it would go unseen.
Once again, I apologise. It won't happen again.
Looking at the thread below, titled 'Resorts Similar to Turunc' there have been FIVE photos on one post. Why hasnt that been deleted??? Or has it slipped through the net (boom boom!).
We're counting down the sleeps till we're back in our part of paradise... Feet up, admiring that view, sipping an ice cold G'n'T, watching the sunset go down, listening to the call to prayer and crickets echoing in the woods behind, whilst shelling pistachio's

It appears your photo was removed as it was stretching the page. If it's your own photo then please resize and repost. If it's a photo you have found on the net then the link will suffice rather than stretch the page.

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