A certain flight operater/company had a sale the other week so I looked at flights to portugal as my mam lives there, for april. I also narrowed down accomodation to 2 hotels, the holiday is for 2 adults, 1 x child age 3, 2 weeks all inclusive, second week is beginning of easter hols. I went onto their website 3 days before sale was due to end and flights for 3 of us were aprox £315 with 2 x luggage, a fab deal alone, I then noticed they did the hotel I wanted so priced it up as a package as they also had a sale on hotel rooms too.(up to 70% off and 150,000 free rooms)
The price per person on initial web page showing hotel was £349 all inc sea view for 2 weeks per person, no reduction for 3 year old but still a great deal. Thing was I only had £883 in the bank so at this point was looking to book flights now and hotel in 2 weeks time as I was a bit short.
I then clicked to confirm price, add luggage etc to get an idea of combined total price to compare against other sites offering the same holiday/hotel and this is where the problem? started the full price for the holiday on the confirmation page (adding on 2 luggage) was £545 (sunday) so I was then thinking is this an error or is it part of the sale and if sale i could afford it that day? all details were displaid correctly, 2 adults, 1 child return flights, 1 x room sea view 2 adults, 1 child age 3 all inclusive for 2 weeks, 2 x luggage.
erring on the side of caution I didnt book and thought if it was an error surely they would rectify it soon as they would get lots of booking and be out of pocket . by tuesday the last day of sale and after checking gawd knows how many times daily it was still showing this very cheap price on confirmation (now £563 for flights, all inc hotel for 2 weeks, 2 luggage for 3 of us) so I thought I would give them a call as I had cash for flights and this holiday IF correct but if incorrect only the cash for flights and would have to pay hotel 2 weeks later seperately.
I called, explained what had happened over the past 3 days and at first she didnt understand until she clicked 'confirm' and dispaid correct hol details but incorrect price -I also said I was being honest with them and that if others saw the deal they could be potentialy out of pocket by thousands and she thanked me for my honesty and would inform IT department immediately as she was unsure if it was sale or not, I asked her about making my booking and at 1st she advised to wait 2 or 3 day until I pointed out I'd then miss out on the flight sale price and possibly a genuine hol price, so she went away to talk to someone and said book it now, take screen shots etc and as I was paying with debit card it would be instant confirmation and they would have to honour it.... so i did, I was sent an incident number and she thanked me profusely once again, because if it was an error it would cost them, as soon as I paid I received my flight booking ref and also a hotel voucher via email which I have now printed off, all states correct details, accom, all inc, 2 adults 1 child etc for 2 weeks and states without this voucher I may not get room as standard , and since 12th jan I have received nothing to question price paid and it has been taken from my account, so after all my poor explanation (sorry), can they now come back and ask me for the correct amount after telling me to book, could the hotel accept my voucher than call me to reception and request more cash..... I will have the remaining cash if needed in 2 weeks but had hoped to use it for spends I need to be armed and ready should the worst happen