whats going on im that busy telling you all about my friend going to the calypso on the 17th july and about direct holidays contacting her to move regarding building work .... Well ive just got a call from my local travel agent thomas cook telling me the building work was grade 3 now its grade 2 i can get a full refund or move hotels and payand if the hotel i pick works out more expensive ican pay the balance i fly out a wk tomorrow HELP im staying at the rosaire
HERE to read of your rights and the tour operator's obligations in such circumstances.
Earlier today I asked both Benidorm Tourism and Benidorm Town Council for urgent clarification on the situation regarding any major building works still taking place in the resort, but it is perhaps unlikely now that a reply will be received today.
Hi mazza ... please click Earlier today I asked both Benidorm Tourism and Benidorm Town Council for urgent clarification on the situation regarding any major building works still taking place in the resort, but it is perhaps unlikely now that a reply will be received today.
Hi david since my last post ive been on the phone with thomas cook . there is not many hotels to choose from in levante area the nero or the ambassador as the helios has building work up there so that was ruled out .. here goes if i changed to the ambassador hotel they wanted the diff of 800pounds i said no way so they took it back to the prices when i booked back in aug 2006 and said 80 pounds each as there are 3 of us going thats 240 pounds ... but ive to call them back tomorrow im not willing to pay another 240 pounds of my spending money after all not my fault will keep you all updated mazza thanks all for your help and feedback
OMG Heres you trying to sort out your friends holiday and now the same has happened to you. I would say that even in the Ambassdor you will hear the noise. Think there must be some other works going on for most tour operators to be contacting people. If you can try for Hotel Orange, Venus or Hellios. Karen
Sorry just noticed you said building work at Hellios. Didn't know there was any there?
Hi karen whats it like im stressed lol the thing being karen im now reading holiday reports on other sites and they have all been bitten badly in hotel .... some went to doctors and are saying its flea bites omg it gets worse is time goes on lmao what nxt .... my niece is in ambassador now but she says she cant here anything but she would sleep through anything but all i can do is wait til;l morning see what t/cook say cause am not paying anymore
A reply from Benidorm Tourist Office states they are aware of reports regarding building works in the resort, which suggests that construction has not (as yet) been suspended for July and August. I have asked for more information about the likelihood of the by-law being enforced which prohibits construction works during July and August, but I think that info may have to come from Benidorm Town Council, and I wouldn't expect to hear from them over the weekend.
Just back from thomas cook for us to change hotel they want 240 pounds and they wont budge so im now thinking of just not going cant take the stress and get a full refund
mazza, get yourself away, the noise isn't constant and it blends in with all the other holiday noises so is hardly noticeable after a few days, we stayed in the Pelicanos.
Hi cazz somoething isnt right cazz they are moving friends out of clypso because of building work that i could handle but the more reviews i read on other sites the place has been infested with fleas mazza
Oooo, that sounds nasty.I'd be worried about that too. Have you tied contacting the hotel?
no cazz i havent you think i should ... ive been writting to them for 3 months about a fridge with no replies from hotel
mazza have you checked out any late deals to see if you cancel and maybe get somewhere else for the same price. Karen
Well ive just got a call from my local travel agent thomas cook telling me the building work was grade 3 now its grade 2
Mazza....that is actually good news (I think) it means the noise is less than a grade 3.
Righty ho...lets see if I've got this right...
TC rang you and wanted to move you out of the Rosaire because of the noise.?
The other hotels available were more expensive.?
You have since found reports from other holidaymakers that suggests the hotel Rosaire has a flea infestation.?
OK, here's some questions for you to ask TC.
1, Why have they failed in their duty to inform you of the buiding works before now.?
Don't let them fob you off with excuses that they did not know, that's bull

2, Because they have failed to inform you and in your opinion not given you enough time to make a considered decision, the onus is on them to move you at no extra cost....otherwise you will be taking the matter up with a solicitor as they have broken the package regulations.
3, You have read of reports of a flea infestation from holidaymakers who have just returned, therefore as according to the package regulations,
You do not have to share your accomodation with insects.
If you want out of the Rosaire, then you tell them, NOT them tell YOU and say that you are quite willing to take another hotel of the same standard or higher at no extra cost.
and if they give you a load of grief, then send them to Auntie Sanji and I'll beat them up for you.

Or go look for another holiday and cancell with an immediate refund required....but I would try to sort this out in the meantime.
Sanji i contacted thomas cook when i saw your video clip that was when they told me the building work was grade 3 minor nothing to worry about .Then as ive wrote they contacted me on fri at 4.45 when shop was about to close .Now the building work is grade 2 and asked if i wanted a full refund or change of hotel but to pay the extras .There wasnt many hotels to pick from as its so late everything was more or less away i dont want the old town .if it was grade 1 then they wouldve moved me no problem at all..... all that was left was the helios and the ambassador or the bristol park they couldnt put me in helios as its got building work near there they said so i choose the ambassador its not that far away i know but it was because the place was infested i was thinking more of.... Anyhow i got the head office number customer realations number and they told me they have taken the price from when i first booked my holiday and that was last aug they are not chargeing me to change admin fees but because its way much expensive.... so take it or leave it with a full refund ......... Just thanks to everyone for there advice on here its been outstanding .... So as i walked out the shop i said i have booked 3/4 holidays in here per year for over 15yrs to benidorm im booking no more with you i also give them friends and family bookings but no more
Benidorm Tourism now advise that the by-law previously mentioned does not apply to construction sites ...
Well all thank you all for you help over the past few days regarding this hotel.Now i just want to let you all know im now going to the ambassador hotel not to far away so im more relaxed and ready for my holiday thanks again mazza 4 days to go
Have a great time mazza glad your more comfortable

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