Hi Helen
First of all, I would like to say a very big thankyou for just thinking about us, it is nice to know that there are people out there who care.
It has been a miserable place to live, some people have lost everything apart from the clothes that they stood up in and the stench of raw sewage hangs like acrid smoke in certain villages. The waters receded to leave everything covered in contaminated sludge.
Without sounding as though I'm boasting,

I have given large amounts of clothes away to these victims after a clear out of mine and David's wardrobes some of the clothes were too big for me anyway and I strive never to fit in them ever again, so it was a good incentive to pass them on.
Tensions are running high, some didn't have insurance when they should have had and others couldn't afford the premiums, some couldn't get insurance even if they wanted too because of the location of their homes and each case should be judged by their personal circumstances.
My garden was wrecked, but I didn't take any photo's as I knew they wouldn't be allowed in here, but a garden compared to what some people have lost is not worth the worry and David has put most of it back, but we are missing all the bedding plants and the soil that was washed away.
I was annoyed that priority was given to council homes for the allocation of sandbags because the council did everything to try and limit the damage to council properties and people like my neighbours on a private estate were pushed to the back of the queue I presume that the mentality of it all was that we would be more likely to have insurance.
Anyway, I was lucky and regardless of who or what is to blame for this disaster, I can't help but feel sorry for these people.
Their wretched lives will take some putting back together again and some will not get back into their homes for many months, maybe even longer"¦ok, you can buy a new TV, washer and fridge etc, but you cannot replace personal things like photo's of your family or video's of your kids growing up and regardless of your personal status in society, these personal things are what help to make a family "a family" with memories to hold on too and now they have been destroyed for ever.
I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime, I can remember (as a child) the rivers bursting their banks and overflowing into the flood plains, but this really has been unbelievable and quite rightly classed as the worst disaster in peace time history since WW11.
Thankyou once again for thinking about us, it is extremely comforting to know that some people in HT take cyberspace friendships seriously and it goes beyond just passing on information.
Today it is raining quite heavily, it seems as though these people haven't been punished enough.