Hi Wolfie,
I think you've nicely summed up how many of us feel about Malta and why we enjoy to go there. What I have to add is that the hop leaf is just about the best beer available in the Med and the wines are brill also. Also it's the only place I've been happy for my wife and son to go on a hol abroad without me because we've always felt safe - and that's more than you can say for living in 'Critical Britain' at the moment!!!!!
I certainly agree with you about the Maltese people. In all the years we've visited this country we have made a lot of friends. Each time we visit we seem to make more friends. We usually go in the same area and even the shopkeepers remember you from one year to the next. The Maltese must be the most friendly and helpful people in the world.
Just like you, we experience the same thing in that Maltese folks remember you from previous visits. The words 'hello again' are often said to us.
There's one very pleasant young lady who works in the Tower supermarket in Sliema who's never surprised to see us. She actually went to Australia to live and work a year or so ago but missed Malta so much she had to return home - I know how she feels and I bet you do too!

I hated it. No beaches. bad roads. Though the people were friendly
no beaches ?? - come to Gozo !
Malta great....Gozo even better.
Ramla was in The Times top 20 beaches
Half built houses, pot holes in the road, uneven ankle breaking pavements, litter everywhere, dog poo littered streets, dodgy hotels, mad motorists...............anyway enough of my home town!! Malta, love it. My mother is Maltese from Vittoriosa or Birgu and i have been going there all my life as a child and adult and now as a father of 2 boys. Whilst it may not have the sandy beaches and waterparks of many of the other 'Med' Islands it certainly makes up for it in many other ways. There is certainly enough to keep you occupied over a 2 week holiday but you have to get out and about. Gozo is an absolute gem of a place and Marsalforn has been added to my 'places i want to retire to' list. Roll on 2nd of August and another 2 weeks in Marsascala where my folks now live.
you were doing so well until you mentioned Marsalforn.... please anywhere on Gozo but there ! Packed in the suumer, and ghost town the rest of the year
its only one of the places on my list, i will have to visit again before making my mind up for definate. I will also have to visit Ramla beach as you have certainly got me very interested in seeing it. Last year i visited Xlendi for the first time in years and was a little disapointed. The beach was virtually non existant and with a boy of 7 another of 3 rocks are not really a choice.
I am hoping my mother will have the kids this year so me and the mrs can spend a couple of nights on Gozo. It will be nice to spend a little longer than the usuall day trip to see the island.
Cheers mate.

I'd place Xlendi above Marsalforn, but I wouldn't live there either. One of the few problems with Gozo is a lack of beaches with sand (really only Ramla, San Blas and Hondoq), and none of these are sensibly accessible by foot from accommodation. Going to a beach really needs a car (or by bus)
It's not really an issue, if it's that important to you then you will go else where, although I agree there are good beaches to be found if you look!
But Malta does not need to nor should it compete on this front, it has many better and more important attributes to offer!
By the way I'm more of a Cisk man myself Trev but I don't mind getting you a Hop leaf in if your there from the 13th August onwards

And your right one of the safest places if not the in the Med again a tribute to the people.
Thanks for the gesture. I wish I was going to be in Malta from 13th August but because of personal circumstances I know I won't! I have to say that I'm also partial to the odd glass of Cisk especially when it's scorching hot

You certainly summed up my sentiments regarding beaches. As it happens I'm not bothered one iota that there aren't the expanses of sand available as in other hol destinations. We found some excellent beaches in Tunisia but we wouldn't want to go there again!

Malta and it's wonderful folk are unique and I certainly can't wait to return to that magic Island. Have a great time in August and make sure you visit any festas that are taking place,


Roll on the 2nd August. The old man will have stocked up the fridge with a few cases.
As far as the beach debate goes, it is nice to be able to take youngsters to swim in the med rather than some hotel swimming pool. When my boys are a bit older swimming off rocks wont be a problem. My oldest loves snorkling so to dive straight into 20ft of crystal clear sea will be wonderfull.
The Feasts are fantastic. My mum made sure we would be there for the Feast of St Lawrence in her home town on the 10th of August weekend so she can show off her grandkids to her friends.
I agree when you say about feeling 100% safe in Malta. In Marsascala there are hundreds of kids running around the swing park enjoying themselves whilst parents have a drink and chat in the nearby bars.
I'll say it again, Malta....i love it.

We agree Malta and Ghawdex are the best, there is no no where better, thank god that those of us who love it discovered it in the first place or else we all might be having average holidays in ghastly naff little british colonies like the canaries and the costa's yuk.
Wolfie, we're in Malta from the 13th too - staying in the Coastline; where are you based?
Were at the BHC our fifth stay there over the years, we like the position, staff food and good value, although the rooms are a bit small and tired.
We like the Coastline as it does AI (and same group) but it's just not quite in the right position for us shame. But you will have the better aircon!!!
Usually see the Coastline courtesy bus in Tourist street just up from the BHC
Nah, sorry mate, we're flying Air Malta out of Heathrow.
Arriving in Gozo on 7th August. Staying in Xlendi. Fantastic...can't wait....
where are you staying in Xlendi - St Patricks ?

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