The EU is resonsible the flutuating charter airline prices. The t/o who had their own airline used to them as a tax loss to pay less tax on the companies overall profits. The eu ruled the airlines had to be splite from the holiday company and run as a seperate company. The result to survive the airline had to make a profit and fares would be dictated by market conditions.
I am not a fan of the eu because they have had a big impact on our lives with meddling rules that are not needed. The euro had the biggest impact on holiday prices with hotel chains sneaking large increases in. Resorts shops and bars upping prices with the euro creation. I was in majorca the year before the euro was introduced and the year it was introduced in the same resort. Basically if a pint of bear was 400pts it became 4 euro's, if something was 100pts it became 1 euro. I was getting 270pts to the £ the year before the euro now we get 1.40 ueros to the pound. That caused prices to double. I do believe if the euro didn't excist we would be getting over 300 euro's to the £ today.
I have noticed over the last few years big hikes in holiday prices.
I booked a holiday to turkey for next year and with my system I got £235 off thomas cooks web price, checked the price today and it has gone by £585 from what I have paid. I don't know why but it is a big increase. I can see it coming back down again.
I believe the hike in prices is down to the bad summer here with people deciding book to go away next year or the t/ops believing people are more likely to book to go away next year because of the bad summer this year and the t/ops are using this years bad summer to push up prices next year.
Has anybody been on thomsons build your own holiday, we did it this july and got nearly £600 of the broucher. You need to wait till a month before where planes have plenty of seats available.
Even for the school hols there are 3* hotel to majorca for a week for around £300 per person and one 3* hotel c'an picafort 3 people sharing a room for just over £700 everything included. The only down sode is the hotel mainly german but that shouldn't be a problem. Or son baulo for £1200 3 sharing 2 sharing £700 hotel haiti £1000 3 sharing 2 sharing £700 leaving this sunday from gatwick . Just look at the build your own holiday between 1 to 3 days before want to go to get the best price. Majorca is good because they have so many flights and plenty of unsold seats.
Well I was back on the Thomson site today and some of the prices were lower than yesterday, still not got the kids places but the adult prices had come down quite a lot. The one holiday I was looking at was £400 cheaper today than yesterday!
Just a case of sitting and waiting I think and keeping our eyes open.

Unfortunately not on the dates I was looking at but definately back on lots of hols. Just wish we could go in June like we usually do as the prices are much more attractive. Unfortunately we have kids doing GCSE work so are now having to go in the main school breaks.
Just checked out a hotel on thomson web site, the child price upto 14 but they won't quote a child price unless I enter 12 or younger. I know its child prices to 14 because it is the same cosmos and portland brochure. On the portland web site it will give a child price when 14 years old is entered.
I hope you find your free child price.

Canthinkofausername - Is this the same hotel you were referring to?
Has anyone got the email address for customer services please?, can only find the address and phone number, - thanks!
I always have to enter 4 adults and 2 children to get the prices, if we booked as 2 adults and 4 children the price is silly money. Then I have to phone and book direct with them as the website never accepts the kids birthdays. They honor the website price though. Have had to do this with both Thomson and Portland.
The hotel I am looking at is the club hemera hotel in turkey 4* A/I. I really can't make my mind up with this one and wow bodrum resort. This one is a lot cheaper.

Mods - might be a good idea to start a new thread, where members can post certain hotels they have come accross that offer free(Half Board) childs places up to age of 14?
On the subject of entering a child as an adult - We had the same problem there - we only found out because our friends had booked, the same dates/accomm/airport etc...their daughter is classed as an adult ( she's 17). Our friends payed £1.054 for 3 adults, but when we entered 2 adults, and 1 child, the same holiday came out as £1,275 (Over £200 difference)- so ended up booking 3 adults! I wonder how many people have not thought to enter a child as an adult , and have been charged extra?(I certainly never thought of doing so until our friends had mentioned how much they had payed!) - When I rang thomsons to ask why this was, they said it was because of the under occupancy charges for the child

Regards, \BBB
Its not H/B but A/I rated a 5* in the brochures since its been refurbished.
August 26 14 nights with portland 2 adults 1 child upto 14 £1636. Aitours, cosmos want around £2200. The price is good. Thomson is about £15 cheaper with the £100 discount code. The child cost with portlands is £209.
thanks in advance tracey

i'm off 3/9 and my tickets came today booked online
I am looking at a Thomson holiday leaving on the 22nd Sept. I am watching to see if it comes down any before booking . Does anyone have any experience of when is a good time to book in case I lose it. Do travel companies start reducing holidays at any particular time before departure. Many thanks.
My Ibiza tickets came just over 3 weeks ago - we fly out this Wednesday. I booked online direct, they may come later if you've booked with an agent.
Don't book until the kids are back at school, once they are the prices tumble and there are loads of bargains that appear on teletex pages 203 and 276 which are thomson pages. They won't drop the prices until the kids are back at school, I have seen it year after year.
The best time for bargains is june and early july, get some really good deals then. Next year if the weather is good here coupled with the european championships there will be loads of bargains in june and early july. I got a platinum hotel this year for 3 of us £600 under the broucher price for the 10 to 17 july. Just after that the bargains went as everybody were booking to get away from the rain. I phoned late deals that is owned by thomsons for a mate of mine and they told me they couldn't cope with the amount of calls they were getting because of the bad weather. I could of got 3 of us into a 3* hotel for £480 for a week in july in majorca, I chose to pay more for a better hotel.
Thomson have cruise and stay this month for just over £700 and a weeks cruise for £499. The cruises seem to be the only decent discounted hols by thomsons this august.
worrying a bit now,as you have all had your tickets before me,fly 3 weeks tomrrow.i'll wait till the end of the week,then give thomsons a call.maybe something to do with the postal strike we have had.
Thanks 'can't think of a username', good advice. I am in Scotland, what date do the English schools go back in September?
trasjohno, I wouldn't worry. We go next Tuesday and still no sign of tickets despite the fact that they were issued by Thomson to their internal agent on 26th July! It looks as though we will be picking them up from the airport, which they are going to arrange if we haven't received them by Friday. I'm not worried though, it's an inconvenience but nothing to worry about!
