As the acknowledged expert on all things to do with planes I was wondering if you could settle a question which has arisen on one of the other forums in connection with the perennial question about whether to recline or not recline one's seat.
I always understood, and looking at plane seats it makes sense, that the fold down table is fixed to the seat frame and not the seat back so that regardless of whether the seat in front is reclined, the table stays in the same place in relation to the seat it 'services'. Others seen equally convinced that this isn't the case and that if someone reclines their seat then it not only pushes the table back too but changes the angle of the table. I can't say that I've ever noticed this happen - I've never had drinks slide off a sloping table when the person in front has reclined their seat. The vibration might jiggle it around a bit but the table always seems to have stayed horizontal.
Care to give us the expert's view?
that if someone reclines their seat then it not only pushes the table back too but changes the angle of the table.
Don't think anybody said that SMa.
Think someone said that for a fat person who is unable to lower the tray fully into the horizontal postition because of their gut or the fact that it will dig in, tend to recline and give more room for them, otherwise they would have a sloping platform

You should have the seat in the upright position when meals are served, but as this is uncomfortable for the person, they tend to go back into the reclining position as soon as the cabin crew have passed and as hot drinks and snacks are sold the rules are not always adhered to regarding putting the seat in the upright position, but I can't find anywhere in the topic where anyone suggested that it changes the position of the tray in relation to angle for the person behind.
Edited by
2007-08-04 13:39:45
Without getting in to the whole debate that has been discussed many times on various threads, the table design is pretty much as you say. The table is designed to be independent of the seat so that regardless of the seats inclination, the table will remain level. Problems often arise when the seat in front is reclined. Even though the seat angle when reclined is only slightly more than when upright, it can reduce the available space to the passenger behind. A lot of the problems caused when reclining seats can be avoided if passengers are courteous and consider those behind. A quick 'would you mind if I recline my seat' or ensuring it is upright during meals, and certainly during take off and landing is all that is needed.
This is obviously an issue which SMa and Sanji have been discussing elsewhere and so rather than continue it here, I am going to close the topic at this point before it attracts a wider audience and input, developing into the usual controversial and offensive slanging match always associated with such topics.

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