Hi, Hope this is the correct forum for this enquiry
My brother-in law going to Tenerife on Tuesday, Ist time abroad. He is diabetic
What is the procedure regarding taking insulin and injection needles on to the plane. He will have to keep them in his hand luggage to make sure they dont get lost if his case does not make it.
My Ex who also was diabetic ,just had to inform them at check in and when boarding the plane, I dont know if anything else is now required as that was over 10 years ago.
Here is the web site for BAA Gatwick. http://www.gatwickairport.com/
Just click on prepare for check in.
Hi Margaret ... we have a dedicated topic regarding the current hand luggage restrictions, and exemptions in relation to essential medication and medical equipment. Please click on the link in my signature below to access that topic.
We took a letter from the doctor to state that he requires his syringes and medication on the flight.
The cabin crew took it off us to look after and brought to us when we needed it.
We got it back when we landed.
Sometimes they dont ask for it but let you take it on, but you MUST have an up to date covering letter from your GP with you, and not a photocopy.
Interesting. My wife declared her needles & insulin to check-in staff (KLM/Air Malta) and security staff at Heathrow T4 last month, and no one batted an eye - never even asked to see it, never mind ask for a letter. Makes you wonder, dunnit?
Now????....dont say a word to anyone, I do have a letter from my Doctor, in case ,but have been through numerous securities here and abroad and so far no problems. The main problem is that mostly the checkin and ground staff have nothing to do with the airlines ( Agents staff only) and are not trained in the whys and wherefores which makes them rather grateful for you keeping such matters to yourself...
He has got a letter from the GP listing his medication and got his insurance sorted out,so hopefully all will go smoothlyat th airport.
My daughter has just been to spain, she is diabetic, we had to get a letter off her doctor/consultant to say that she would be carrying her needles, insulin etc, she took double supplies in two different hand luggages as advised by her specialist nurse, nobody checked the letter or her supplies but better safe than sorry!
Just had a holiday in Greece and went armed, as always, with my doctors letter confirming I needed to carry needles, insulin etc. and, as the new guidelines say, I placed them all in 'the' plastic zip bag.
Nobody asked for the letter nor blink an eye at my stuff. The bag wasnt opened nor did anyone check the blood test meters in my hand luggage.
Some times they do inspect and ask questions, but this time around nobody did. There doesnt seem to be a pattern.
Perhaps one thing to mention to your son is that it's a good idea to take some carbohydrate (biscuits/chocolate) on board with him. Some aircraft meals can be light on carbs and may not be enough to counter his insulin.

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