The flights that came up were quite good, and were the first time I had seen them, (been looking on the site for ages), going out on Monday 27th August at 07.30 am and flying back on Monday 3rd September at 15.30 ish. I was delighted to get these flights as my son starts his first day at secondary school on Tuesday 4th September and I wanted him home in good time to have an early night!
I made the booking and paid by debit card, then got an email saying they had received my "order" and that I would get a "final confirmation" within 48 hours!!
I googled the name OT Beach (I know, should have done this first!!) and found a few reviews of the site saying that they are known for making a provisional booking, then ringing back and saying that the flights have gone and offering more expensive, different time ones. Obviously, this would be a disaster for me, as we MUST be back by Monday. I have also read that they contact you to say, after confirming the total, that you HAVE to have flight meals and they have deducted the money for them! I believe that if you don't agree to these changes, they cancel your booking (or rather, don't confirm it). If they do this, how long would it take to get the money back?? Bearing in mind the holiday is for Monday, and if they don't contact me until Tuesday and it takes a while to put the money back on the card - bang goes any holiday for us - my little one will be devastated!!
Does anybody have any thoughts/experience on this??
Thanks for reading, sorry it is soooo long!!
