hiya, just thought id share my epereince with you! Last year i worked in marmaris, went on hol n decided just to stay, took 2 weeks before i found a job then i got one on a boat, bearing in mind i obviously didnt av a work permit so did take a chance and when visa needed renewed i went to rhodes for the day, my boss on the boat go this friend to give me ticket so i only paid the tax!but it was hard going working there,so different to being on holiday lol!me and my friend, a girl who i met there worked 4 days a week on the dalyan boat trips, we started at 8am and worked anything right upto 10pm at night, yes we maybe got a couple of hours break on boat when passengers got off but by the time you cleaned teh boat agen and had lunch there really wasnt much time left! 4 days a week for upto 14 hrs for 600ytl a month, doesnt get you far believe me, fortunately for me my boyfriend,now hubby!was manager in a restaurant so i ate and drank a lot of times for free which was just as well cos my rent was 450ytl and dolmus amounted to about 50 ytl over teh month leaving just 100ytl to live on, i did end up using a fair bit of my savings. this year my friend is back there working again on our boat but this year its 6 days a week......i was offered again but decided not to cos im married now and trying to get back on my feet financially after using my money out there!business is so slow and she isnt working much the now so in some ways im glad i stayed but lets hope it picks up. Overall despite what i say it was a great expereince and i wouldnt change it for the world, if i could have afforded it i would have gone back again, more freedom and a more relaxed atmosphere plus some sun

just if you do go make sure you are prepared and everything!good luck xxx