I believe as long as we are willing to pay I have a couple of years yet
My feelings exactly! My son is nearly 18 and I've paid for him to come on two more holidays with us next spring/summer before he goes away to Uni in the autumn. At his age he has no hope of earning enough money to pay for his own holidays, especially as he has stayed in full-time education since he left school last year. Once he's settled in Uni, I'm not sure what we're going to do, he'll probably want to work in the summer but I'm sure he wouldn't say no to a paid holiday!
On holiday, he keeps daughter (15) company until she makes her own friends and as long as the bar staff think he's "legal" (which he will be very soon) it saves me a few treks to the bar

As a single parent, it's also handy to have a strapping lad to help with suitcases too
He'd probably be fine home alone for one night (he's fine while I'm out at work in the day) but I'd feel bad leaving him while I was away on holiday, and I'd worry about him having friends round.