Sorry jane and any body else i have left hope you all have a lovely holiday. Just dont you lot drink goa dry.

One month for us literally and going for three weeks over xmas and new year. Arriving 16th December, leaving 6th January, flying Lufthansa business class, anybody else got experience of flying with them. We are arriving at Frankfurt first then on to Mumbai, then Goa. We are staying at Anjuna. So looking forward to it and it is nearly here..............YIPPEE
exactly 70 days to go! although we don't have anything booked yet, but these are the dates we want to go, are are going to stick to.
To all you lucky folks, Colleen. Polly. chilly etc jetting off over the next few days, have the most fantastic time!! Safe journeys to all of you. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Have fun.
9 days, 23 hours, 0 minutes and .......peep! 30 seconds till the plane will be airborne
:-) elephant
I'm now down to 7 days and still without our visa's.
Now that we have our visas I have resumed counting. I stopped when I was panicking over the visas as I didn't want to get too excited. 22 days for us now.
sleep r us, Get on to them NOW!
Sleeps r us. We used the same agent as you and their story has always been that the consulate are dealing with visas in order of date of travel. Ours went in roughly the same time as yours and you fly in 1 week and we go in 3 weeks yet we have got ours back today. Their story has no grounding as using our example the Consulate can't possible be dealing with visas in date order priority or you'd have got yours 2 weeks before mine. I think I'd have really lost my temper by now.
Goangirl. Ive rung them just and the its the old story one day they are in london the next they are in birmingham i've told them if the manager don't ring me personally in the morning with my visa's then i'm going to my solictors i've had enough bull**** from them now.
Well done Sleep. Flipping cheek treating you like that. You can do without the stress.
7 sleeps
Can i say thanx to everyone.Its nice we have so many friends.
police on them tell them you fear your passports have been stolen ...im sure they will turn up then ok ....
you poor we love what must you be feeling like ...everyone on the forum is hear for you .....and remember what I told you about the ..FTVP..party you will be at it ..with me polly gemma lizzy oap..roxey lin b ..chilly anybody who want to come...... ...colleen
dont worry kid it will come on time ..
sleeps get the 

Oh, I like that one colleen. "Get the Police onto them". Good thinking girl.
sleeps - how are you sleeping at night? hope you get some good news tomorrow. see you soon
Irishcolleen have a great time and a safe journey. Hope everything goes well for your trip to the Taj Mahal.
Irishcolleen - hope you have a good time, wish i was going this month!.
Have a great time colleen. We will see you next week.

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