Managing Director
Dear sir/madam
I write this letter in thanks and appreciation. My fiance and I recently spent four days at your XXXXXXXX Resort. Or as we now affectionately refer to it, the XXXXXXXX Resort.
You see, upon our entry into our deluxe room, we couldn't help but wonder if the previous occupant had been none other than that famous denizen of Hollywood's dark and murky waters. Though I doubt even a return from a dip in Black Lagoon could have resulted in such a spectacular display as the dark and unidentifiable substance smeared across everything from balcony walls to the shower curtain. Not one to focus on life's negatives however, I shall be true to my word and continue with this message of gratitude.
Firstly, I must congratulate the decision to equip your gardeners with edge trimmers. It is possibly the finest example of lateral thinking I have ever encountered. With 300 acres of lawn both within and surrounding the XXXXXXXX Resort, the first thing that might normally come to mind when maintaining such a large expanse would be a ride-on lawn mower. But obviously you are much more empathetic to the wellbeing of local labourers than I. Indeed, why employ one person to mow three hectares in one hour, when you can make a far greater contribution to the local economy with the employment of four gardeners working six hours a day for two days to accomplish the same end. What's more, that you should be so generous as to employ their services on the mornings of a long weekend celebrating a major regional public holiday, further adding to your staffs' financial benefit. The endless hours of noise, dust and smoke invading our room were barely enough to lessen our admiration.
Next, let me thank your for the quality of the cuisine at the XXXXXXXX Resort restaurants. Never before had I tasted a two-kilogram snapper of such fine delicacy as to be worth 80 dollars. Indeed, I still have not. But it was a privilege in itself just to behold such a splendid specimen. Until that most wonderful weekend I had in fact knot even known a creature of such culinary exquisiteness could exist. Likewise the 40 dollar sirloin, 26 dollar beef sandwich and 4 dollar can of soft drink. I must also congratulate you on the quality of training you have given to your restaurant staff. I have always been a firm believer in the notion of persistence paying. On no less than three occasions over the period of our stay were we approached and asked to pay for a dinner we did not have. Some guests may have found such advances insulting and even vulgar, but as I have said, I am not one to get bogged down with such negativity.
On returning to our room one evening after a particularly enjoyable 48-dollar dinner of bread rolls and the finest packet butter I have had privilege to taste, my fiance and I decided to spend some quality time together on our sea-facing balcony. And I use the term "sea-facing" only in so much as it can be said that one standing upon a sand dune in Central Australia and looking toward the west will be facing in the direction of the Atlantic. How we marveled as we recounted the fantastic tales of old seafarers, while we sat beneath our flickering balcony light and gazed across the half-mown lawn at nature's magnificent green tangle standing resplendent between ourselves and the distant ocean.
On the subject of our accommodation, I must also thank you for the surprise we received upon our check in. My fiance was delighted to discover that the room we had booked had not been vacated by the previous guests. We were told that our new room, three levels lower than that we had booked, would suffice. One can only implore every hotel to employ such a quick-thinking, eye-rolling receptionist as that in the XXXXXXXX Resort. His thoughtful decision vastly reduced our beach transit time in the elevator to no more than eighteen seconds. What's more, our new room, conveniently located beside the all-night partiers and screaming triplets, ensured we weren't to waste one moment of our desperately-needed holiday on such idle and pointless activities as sleep. We both agreed that the money you saved by constructing the walls and ceilings within the XXXXXXXX Resort from such cheap and thin materials was much better spent on the employment of your army of lawn mowers.
Then there were your astonishing array of activities and facilities. Astonishing in that on top of the three hundred dollars a night we had paid for our black-stained, tree-facing room, every single activity down to five minutes of table tennis came at an additional cost. This was wonderful. Just imagine the dangers involved with trying to wrestle one of your rusted jet skis after 48 hours without sleep. Or the difficulty in attempting the 20-dollars-for-13-arrows archery with eyes as bloodshot as ours. Not to mention what one might have been tempted into doing during the cocktail classes. Thank you XXXXXXXX Resort for always looking out for our wellbeing.
And finally, and perhaps most importantly, thank you for the friendliness of your staff. Straightforward and always to the point, they were never people to beat around the bush. Your staff and in particular the concierge, were always ready with an answer, no matter complex or simple our queries were. Perhaps that isn't so surprising, given that every answer offered by the staff of XXXXXXXX Resort was always, always, "No". From enquiring about transportation to other parts of the island to a request for housekeeping, your staff remained reassuringly consistent throughout the duration of our memorable stay.
Thank you XXXXXXXX Resort for a most wonderful four days. It was without a doubt the best one star resort we have ever visited.
You memory will remain with us always.
I know this island is an expensive one and I've read very ordinary reports about it. I'm assuming you are talking US$'s
But...are you sure your Snapper was 2 kilos? We have dined in beach front restaurants in Bali where they nobble the scales, either that or they insert a lead weight up the rear end... and end up paying $80 whatever the weight of the fish.
You must be very annoyed you missed the pest control day when they 'fog' the whole grounds with chemicals and choke everyone out, not to mention the army of grass sweepers that start up at 6am outside the ground floor rooms.... that's before they starting cutting it with the petrol driven 'whipper snippers'. Perhaps they will give you a free holiday so you can enjoy the services you missed.
On a serious note. Good Luck with your letter and please let us know if they respond.
Cheers Geri
Nothing has been asked for. If you are looking for compensation then I think it would be better to outline the real complaints clearly and say what you are looking for. You maybe just putting this down to experience and writing this just to get it off you chest,if so thats fine and thank you for the heads up to not visit this resort and the laughs you gave me ( not at you misfortune ).
Kind Regards
However, I once wrote a similar letter to Silverlink Trains, and it made me feel much better, and still makes me chuckle when crammed inside one of their sardine tins / commuter services, and tbh, that was the most important thing.
I'm more worried about the sanity of the person that recommended XXXXXXXX as a honeymoon destination??!
Yes - it may not have been of the required standard,
I get that bit. The rest can serve no purpose except for getting it off your chest. Pirate or otherwise.
I doubt if after the first couple of paragraphs if it will be read in full.
HT exists to offer help and assistance where someone has a problem.
What is yours?
Do you wish to submit a complaint for compensation? If so then you need to rewrite the whole thing and forget the comedy.
Did you book direct or was it via a tour operator?
If the latter then you need to take the matter up with them. Again a plain factual letter of complaint is required.
There is a hotel/accommodation review section on HT - perhaps a non comedy posting in there would be a good idea. It would at least advise others of the problems and save them your experience.
Sorry if my response does not elicit the response you would like. We do like to assist but the lack of "factual" information prevents us doing so.
We sadly did miss the fumigation. Perhaps with the high the noxious gases would have given us we might have had a much more enjoyable time. It's funny to hear someone else mention the whipper snippers too. I've never seen anything more silly than using those to cut acres and acres of grass.
We're thinking of writing a proper letter of complaint, which would be far more serious than what I wrote here. I've read many hotel reviews by travelers and have often been a bit annoyed by people who go to second world countries and expect 6 star service. Then they complain when things aren't quite as nice as they expected/demanded. But this resort really was terrible. Beyond forgiveness. The disgusting streaks of mud in the room, the service, prices, everything was sub standard.
I don't expect this letter to achieve anything other than a wry smile from those who have been and maybe serve as a warning for those thinking of going. But I suppose everyone's wants and needs are different so ultimately people should read as many reviews as possible before booking.
Have a sense of humour, fwh. The place was terrible but obviously this isn't a real letter. But it was fun to write and I believe gets my points across in a more interesting way than most complaints.
But this isn't a complaint! It's an amusing review of what sounds like a dire place to stay and that others might or might not find useful. If you do decide to complain by all means re-post and let us know how you got on but in the meantime this doesn't seem the appropriate place for your 'letter'.
It is inappropriate and misleading to post a message purporting to be a copy of a complaint sent to the MD of the resort, when in fact you have not made or sent any such complaint.
Your feedback may well be of interest to anyone else who might be considering this resort. However, it may be better if it was posted in a more constructive and informative manner in the relevant section of our resort discussion forums or our hotel reviews site.
As you obviously do not require the services of this particular forum, I will close the topic at this point to avoid any more of our members spending time with it when they could perhaps be helping with more genuine and urgent complaints. As it's a piece of humour rather than a genuine complaint, I will also remove any references to the name of the resort concerned.
Many thanks

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