Also at New Year time what will you do? At Hogmanay (New Years Eve) in Scotland its massive party time.
If I was in Goa then I would go to the beach on Christmas Day and catch some some rays then in the evening I would go to a nice restaurant for dinner ie. After 7, Souymens Kitchen or I-95, then after that I might pop to the beach shack for a night cap.
However, at New Year I think I would prefer to go to the beach shack and bring in New Year that way, should be a great atmosphere and big fire work display when the clock strikes 12. On New Years Day I would go somewhere nice again for a special meal, relax and get rid of my hangover

I am just interested to know what peoples plans are, thats all. My friend also flys out this Saturday for two weeks, she hasnt been to Goa for 6 years so she will see many changes, but maybe I will pass on some information to her as to what everyone is up to.
And lastly, everyone have the most fantastic Christmas, I hope you get everything your wish for and very best wishes and good health in 2008.