I posted some time ago about the problem my Daughter had on a package holiday to Majorca some 3-4 years ago.
To cut a long story short they had booked a specific villa as it was in the resort of Porto Polensa Spelling?
They were travelling with their 2 children and her parents in law.
On arrival told Villa not available and they were sent to a smaller villa which was well out of resort.
All sorts of problems as her FIL would not drive there. Only 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms instead of 4 and 3.
Told by agent nothing else was available. Put a complaint in resort
Came back wrote to and I am sure it was First Choice and told that they were in breach of contract.
Offered £600 initially refused issued proceedings in Small Claim Courts for a total refund and compensation.
Then offered £1000 refused then offered £2800 a few days before the court case and told this is my best offer for now.
End of story refunded £3200 or maybe £3400 plus £400 in compensation. She was sorry not to have her day in court laughingly. She has a Law Degree and she works for the NHS litigation authority and her husband is a Liability adjuster.
She is a Glasgow University Law Graduate is red hot on contract and is igrained into them as in her day The now retired David Walker wrote and has written all the books on law. He was her Professor
Their case they felt was rock solid as the Company knew well before they embarked on their holiday that this villa was not available. Julie says you never accept any first offer on anything!
Good luck
I used this to get my free Hoover flights and also to get my shuttle fares paid from Scotland to Heathrow. A first and only. I had to look at the law of gift or gratituity,.
Hoover said if I bought their product they would give me a gift or gratuity and whilst my contract was with the shop I purchased it from this was a point of law.
The shuttle situation was that their wording on the offer was that you could fly from Glasgow Gatwick and Manchester. They could change the arrival destination. At the outset they could have said that certain destination are not available from certain Airports. This was therefore ambigous. A court of law would find in favour of the person as the company had the opportunity to build this into the offer.
They gave me flights from Heathrow and then I would have bought the flights from Scotland but my daughter was home for the weekend and told me this.
I tried to send a fax to them after telling me that I was giving them until 5pm Monday and they switched their fax off. I then sent a recorded letter to them and made the deadline 59m wednesday. They denied getting the letter but my husband worked for Post Office counter so could trace it and he also called them and said is your Fax on and sent it.
They then tried to get me to change dates and airports etc. I told them not to call me I would call them.
At 505pm I bought 2 shuttle tickets send then the bill to be paid in 14 days and I was told they would. I asked for it to be put into writind and I was proud to have the email that said they felt they were right but because of my determination and spirit they would pay it. At no time did I tell them what the point of law was. I just said you have had bad legal advice.
Following this and with a contact at Hoover my Mother in law and my sister in law also got their flights when I intervened on their behalf. For me it became a battle of wits and I enjoyed the battle. Was it worth it absolutely! If I had bought tickets from Edinburgh being my nearest airport then I would have failed. All the time I had to be a step ahead of them. Told me that they might be able to get me on a charter that would land at Heathrow and pick us up! Tried to book us from Edinburgh and then wanted my card to charge.
If you feel you are right and have the spirit to go ahead and fight then good luck to you and more power to your elbow!
Oh I have taken on so many things in my life I could write a book. been to Westminster to lobby my MP. etc etc etc.
The 60% relates to transportation costs, so your flight and transfer etc.
I don't know the circumstances for the original complaint and compensation claim so I cannot be too specific. I can however tell you of a personal experience a couple of years back with regard to claiming.
Our group of 7 were delayed in our departure from Manchester to Sanford by just over 14 hours. We arrived at the hotel in Kissimmee at approx 8:00am in the morning rather than at approx. 7pm the evening before. We lost one complete night's accommodation.
Ros took on our case and it was setlled by the t.o. before reaching court. Ros based her case on a previous (precedence ?) established a couple of years ago in a case brought against Kuoni. The judge in that case agreed that the loss of one night's accomm. should result in a proportional reimbursement based upon the total number of nights booked, total taken and the ENTIRE package cost.
Ros recovered one fourteenth part of the entire package cost - no 60/40 splitting involved at all.
£50 per pax (£350 in all) was also added by way of compensation for distress etc.
Such a claim only holds if delayed outbound and if you booked a PACKAGE rather than flight only.
I'd avoid believing the 60/40 rule if other arguments can be applied with more success.
The claim I have is for a refund of the AI element of the holiday.
Total cost was £3640, the difference between AI & SC is £1400 give or take a few pence.
I got a refund in resort of hotel contract rate for 11 of the 14 days (took them 3 days to process it) which came to about £700 so i'm claiming for the other £700 - why should FC make a profit on it.
They wrote saying that ABTA guidelines say 60% of your hol is flights and 40% accom etc.
http://www.abta.com/download/heretohelp.pdf is the leaflet (page 12) that has this 'guideline' . As I can prove that the guideline does not fit the actual prices, i'm sure I have a case.
I've been in touch with Ros and just awaiting details from her.
Take Barbados for example.
Package holiday where we usually stay costs about £ 1400 - so by their reasoning £ 840 would be for flights. A little too much as they cost £ 500 max.
Then again, I could stay at the Sandy Lane where the same holiday would cost £ 9,800. So how could the price for the flights suddenly change to £ 5,880

A better guidance for compensation might be looking at the price per night a hotel charges and take it from there.

It is obvious that in the case of a cheap holiday then 60/40 split will be nearer than one costing say £1,000.
Each case will be different depending what you pay. I would consider 60/40 as a starting point. If it was a cheap last minute thing then perhaps you cannot complain that it turns out even cheaper.
With the rise of DIY then the actual charges for each portion can more easily be identified. When a TO is selling a holiday at £1,000 and also selling return flights on the same aircraft at £200 then the 60/40 split begins to look silly.
Flight Only
Self Catering
All Inclusive
I've just priced up a hol,
2 Weeks AI - £4069.12
Same 2 weeks, same flights but self catering £2679.84
So that makes the AI element of the holiday £1389.28
If you apply the guidline to the AI price of £4069.12 the flights are supposedly £2441.47 leaving £1627.64 for Accom & AI so that means the hotel must only cost £238.19 !
This is where their argument starts to break down.
When you then price up the flights (same ones as in the package), these come out at £1590 which is £851.47 cheaper than the guideline dictates.
You also have to take into consideration airport transfers to and from your accommodation, which are all apportioned into the 60/40 split.
Best wishes
unauthorised signature removed
2 Weeks AI 4069.12
2 Weeks SC 2679.84
60% of £4069.12 2441.47
40% of £4069.12 1627.65
Actual Flights 1590
Difference between actual Flight Cost & 60% abta guide = 851.47
Difference between AI & SC 1389.28
So by using Abta 'guideline', accom & AI element = £1627.65
The difference between AI & SC is £1389.28 so take that away from the £1627.65 leaves you with £238.37 for 14 nights in the hotel or £17 night.
Again using the abta 60% guideline for flights & transfers, £2441.47 - actual price of flights £1590 = £851.47 for the 2 coach journeys !
In this case the flights actually cost about 39.07% of the total cost of the holiday. If you add on £200 for coach transfers (very generous) the split is still only at 44% for flights & transfers !
I would also have a word with Ros Fernihough and/or my local Trading Standards.
In short I wouldn't accept anything a travel agent or travel company told me about compensation calculations.
Why on earth would anyone want to endure flights and transfers for the purpose of having a lousy holiday?
Compensation, I've forgotten compensation for the loss of your valuable time off work, disappointment, and the work involved in pursuing your claim against them.
This is why you need professional advice.
ABTA is a sort of 'trade union' for the travel industry more likely to look after their interests than yours.
Existing cases will still be worked on as Ros will be having files delivered to hospital and home but new cases won't be worked until 4th August.
I left it till after the school holidays to send the detail off to Ros, she's now taken the case on a no-win no-fee basis.
Good luck with it. Please let us know how you get on.
Needless to say a chaser letter pointing out their breach of Abta code of conduct has been sent by Ros / Pam.
What are FC thinking of ?
Well we've just had another letter from Ros informing us that FC have failed to respond to any of Ros's letters in the last 3 months leaving us with only one option now and that is to take them to court.
Thanks for the update and good luck with taking them to court.

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