We are going to the Gumbet Cove Hotel in July this year, with our daughter , son-in-law and 1 year old grandson.
Can anyone give us any good tips re: the baby. Things to take , tips etc
And does anyone know if you can take a baby bottle with you on your flight. ( It has been very long since I travelled with a baby )
All tips will be gratefully received
You can pack quite light, even taking a one-year old.
As far as I know, yes, you can take formula in a baby bottle on the flight, but you may be asked at airport security to taste it. If your baby uses a dummy, its a good idea to offer it on take-off and landing, as the sucking motion helps with any ear discomfort.
July you're going? Take a good sturdy sunshade for your baby's pushchair, it will be used a lot (I went through about 3 of the parasol type with the spring when my daughter was little). You can get steriliser tablets from Superdrug etc, but don't bother with a steriliser from home (very bulky in your luggage). Just go to the supermarket on your first day, and while you are stocking up, buy a plastic basin or large bowl, then use that only for sterilising the babys bottles. I also took a small cool bag with ice packs, and put the baby's bottle/juice for the day when we went out. If your baby is still drinking warm formula milk when you go, any place you stop off for a cool drink will be happy to warm up the bottle for you (tip though, ask them to give you the hot water so you can do it yourself, as I have had a couple of occasions where they've tried to be "helpful" by filling the already-made up bottle with more hot water

Turkish people absolutely adore babies, so plan to take at least twice as long getting anywhere when you have baby with you (you'll be stopped all along your route for them to ooooh and ahhhhh over the little-un).
I would say dont bring nappies or baby wipes from home, obviously what you need to see you to resort. Someone will be able to tell you better but i think that it was Prima brand that was like our pampers. They don`t work out that much cheaper but save you loads of room in the case.
you'll be stopped all along your route for them to ooooh and ahhhhh over the little-un).
Ohhhh yes

Take your own high factor sun block for the baby as it is very expensive there and do not be tempted to buy it at any of the markets ,it may be fake and not the factor on the container .Another thing we always take with us for our young grandson is a small travel kettle .
Sorry but can't resist - would any of your advice be different if you were travelling with an old one year old instead of a young one???
An "old" one-year old might not be on formula milk or a baby bottle by then, so no sterlising etc.
I realise it is going to be HOT for him, but that is why we choose to stay at the Gumbet Cove as it is on the beach and can be a bit cooler.
Thanks again
Turkish people absolutely adore babies, so plan to take at least twice as long getting anywhere when you have baby with you (you'll be stopped all along your route for them to ooooh and ahhhhh over the little-un).
Yep, it can be a little intimidating at first as they will often come over and pick up your children and start playing with them/walking with them round shops/restaurants etc. After a while you get used to it and accept it as being their way of life. When we go to the villa, my mates (now 4 but going since he was 2) little lad often disappears of into the kitchen or can be found playing table football with the owners etc. When I first went I couldn't take my eyes off him and panicked when I couldn't see/hear him. Now I just accept he's in the kitchen with Uhmet/Ali or whoever is working.
My daughter found taking a small pillow helped. Although the airline will proably have one you can borrow, for when they are sleeping across your lap. She had no problems at all, even though she was worried before going, it seems the droning noise of the engines lulls them to sleep.
Or get one of those portable DVD players, you can pick them up for nowt on fleabay and they've kept my nephew amused on dozens of flights.
Hi,am travelling with my 23 month old and he is on full fat cows milk,can you get this in turkey and is it the same? its are first holiday so not sure on this.
Thanks very much Briar.
In the General holiday enquiries, hints and tips forum, there is a recent thread called 'Is it easy to go abroad with a baby?' It doesn't specifically relate to Turkey, but it also might give you some tips.

The best ever thing that we took was a travel cot, to use by the pool. If your grandson is even remotely mobile it means he can be in there, with his toys and be perfectly safe, letting you relax. It will be far more comfortable for him than being strapped into a buggy and when he's tired he can stretch out to sleep. Also, drape a towel over the top and he's nicely shaded. So many people asked where we had 'hired' ours from, it really was a godsend.
We have a small paddling pool in our apartment that we bought in Turkey when our grandchildren were young babies. You can put it next to you by the pool under the parasol, and sit them in it with their buckets and toys, and it keeps them happy and cool for ages! We also have a fold up baby seat that we bought in England, may not be able to get them in Turkey. When you are in restaurants you can attach it to the table which makes it much easier than if they are seating in their buggy. Some restaurants will have a high chair, but not all and then it doesn't matter!
buy a factor 50 uva buggy shade that covers the whole buggy from top to toe ,, loads on ebay ,very cheap.never trust a sun parasol round pool they dont keep the uva rays off ,they let it filter through with age ,we took our grandson who was 8months last august and he was never exposed to the sun more than 10 minutes ,that was only when he was in pool with uva suit and uva hat ,must admit he didnt like it much .sun rays were to strong for his eyes ,we also took cooling sprays magicool or similar. i got a small boat shaped inflatable in pound shop that we used on boat trips ,,just filled it up with water and it was left under the shade to cool him down ,also took a paddling pool that had a palmtree shade which was very helpful , just sat it on balcony.if you look back through forum you will find helpful ideas from us worried parents and grandparents from last year who where all looking for tips and ideas xxxx jan

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