Tshirts wont fix Benidroms problems.
No it won't and it was never meant to either, it was just a publicity excerise to try and counter balance the continuing bad image of Benidorm that the media, journalist and rival resorts constantly find pleasure in throwing at Benidorm.
Some people just can't accept the fact that millions of people of all nationalities actually do love the place.
I see you have removed your original post where you implied the mayor doesn't care about the residents or the tourists.
The mayor has a set budget to fight crime allocated from the central government in Madrid and if you think he isn't doing anything about it, then you need to take a look at what is happening in the whole of the country and realise that if he wasn't trying to keep the lid on this, then the crime rate would escalate tomorrow and go through the roof.
In an ideal world, I'm sure he would like to keep all the undesirables out of the town, let's face it, it would make his life easier if everything was honkey dory, but he has no control over the movement of illegals who have "invaded" Spain.
Times have changed and everyone has to accept that Europe is not what it was 10 years ago, including the residents of Benidorm, and it's no different than Torremolinos, Tenerife or any place while ever there are people without the papers to work and the only way to survive is by the means of crime.
Someone must be doing something, as the Spanish prisons are in the same situation as in the UK, which is full to the brim and overflowing.
When I come to Benidorm, I see more police in one day, than I've seen in 6 months in South Yorkshire.
Finally, I have a friend who lived in La Nucia in a beautiful house that looked like a mini castle, 5 years ago she would leave the house unlocked and that takes some believing, but I can promise you it is the truth.
She has just moved to Polop after having her house made like a fortress in Urb Panorama.
The Mayor/Police shift these lowlife from out of the coastal resorts and they move into the urbanisations to rob instead, so all you're doing is moving the problem from your back door to someone else's and that is NOT the solution to the problem.