Anyhow, I'm wondering if you lovely folks can help me, myself and my partner have been looking for approximately the period between 16 and the 22nd December (give or take 2/3 days) currently the three contenders are Salzburg, New york and Krakow. However we are definately up for more suggestions.
I guess the best place to start is what exactly we're looking for, we're looking for somewhere that embodies the christmas spirit, whether it be the weather, christmas markets or just generally the atmosphere of the place, it doesn't have to be within Europe though we would like it to be under 10 hours flying time where possible, we would like to do all the normal touristy things...sights, nice eateries, museums etc... We're also willing to look at cities that aren't on the beaten track so to speak.
I know this is pretty loose but any help would be greatly appreciated

Edited by
2008-01-28 21:44:26