Aww thanks Sue for remembering it's my birthday today.
The weather was fantastic yesterday, in the 80's, but today it's a lot cooler and been raining on and off all day.
We've never stopped still since we got here, so today has been a relaxing time, we are going up into the old town tonight for a meal.
I've never seen so many people in Benidorm, that's probably because of the dates of the "fallas" and Easter clashing this year, but yesterday the streets and the beach were jam packed...last night it was standing room only, chose where you went.
We went up into the old town last night and you just couldn't move, I spent quite some time jostling for a good position to film the "brotherhood" procession as they came from the church and onto the "walking street", then later I caught them returning back from the route around the old town and back to San Jaime church.
Then after a quick drink, we made our way to Plaza de Hispanidad to see the effigies being burnt and the small firework display,there were thousands upon thousands of people and kiddies on the streets, but they were running late and we were stood around for absolutely ages, so much so, that the crowd began whistling and slow hand clapping.
I caught it all on film, so will make a video on my return.
We walked back to the hotel around 2 am and there were still hundreds of people on the Avda Mediterraneo and fireworks/crackers going was a really good night and I'm glad the weather was kind to them.
The procession was just as I remember it from years ago, it's a strange thing to say, but the "brotherhood" costume is very "intimidating", it's like the Klu Klux Clan ...only in black.
I'm going to try and film dove park in the daytime, from what I saw of it last night, it looks very very good....the "point" is now closed off for renovation.
Righty ho, I'd better go and wake Dave up or he won't sleep tonight, then get ready for my big Birthday bash in the old town with my friend, in the restaurant where she sings jazz.
bye for now.....
Edit for typo error
Edited by
2008-03-20 22:54:26