Dont worry about the Love Bugs - honestly!!! Our windscreen just caught a lot of them last year lol!
They're basically "loving" ALL the time - you never see a single one, put it that way! I have been to Orlando 5 times and i never seen any until last September - must've been the time of year cos they were EVERYWHERE - just like annoying midgies, but they dont bite or anything - you'll just be wafting them away from yourself.
We saw most of them on the car park trolly thingies that take you to the park from the car park. They were usually crawling with Love Bugs
Im terrified of Spiders, but love bugs were fine
Dont know if im allowed to say this or not - but there is a really good website for info on Disney/Orlando called - i especially like reading the "Anita Answer" page - find so much information i didnt know about disney!
Bet you are soooooo excited!! x