Hi there,
Does anyone know if Turkey suffers from any creepy crawlies, i.e. spiders, cockroaches etc, many thanks, i hate the things and want to prepare myself, because if i dont know and i just see them i will freak out.

It's a nescessary evil of going abroad to hot countries for nice holidays i'm afraid.
I wouldn't sleep again if I saw one in my room, which thank goodness I never have.
Every hot country has them, I have seen at least one on every holiday, mind you i'm on lookout all the time.
One tip I did read is to keep the plugs in your basin & bath as they can come up the plughole

I would do a search before you book anywhere, too see whether people complain about them in that chosen place.
And try as I do to relax after that

Hope this helps
Can't say I've ever noticed much of a problem. We have had the odd spider visit our apartment, but no more than in our house at home. So have a good time, and don't worry!
i have been to canary islands and they are covered in them yuk yuk yuk, cant stand them i am permanently on look out, the first thing i do when i get to my room is check everywhere to make sure there is nothing hiding, my hubby thinks im bonkers, but i cant help it, went to tenerife a few years ago got into bed and there it was looking at me a cockroach i was physically sick, and slept on the sofa for the fortnight - lol ,
thanks for the info so long as they stay away from my room im sure i will be fine,
As far as your accommodation goes though, I've found more spiders and cockroaches (and even a praying mantis) in hotels and apartments I've stayed in in Greece than in Turkey.
i saw lot of cockroaches in tunisia but havent seen many in turkey,my mam lives in turkey and a few months ago a scorpian walked across her lounge ,think i would have freaked out !!
Oh my god, that would have been me hot footing it as far as my legs would take me, i now i am going to encounter bugs, as it does come with travel abroad, so at least i know what to expect, i have been spoilt going to Cyprus in all the years i have seen nothing other than a few small snakes they dont bother me, its the crawly things that i cant stand,
seen a big six footer covered in blonde hair once ,but it turned out to be a german
Now you are freaking me out. Been to Turkey 9 times and never seen bugs??? Maybe i've just been lucky but now i'm worried that i should have been looking more closely cos i hate them
Funny you say that about Cyprus, the biggest coackroach i've ever seen was in Cyprus, it was like a bloody crab it was so big

I've seen a "dead" scorpion in Cyprus in Pernera

I think the roaches in Turkey looked bigger than ones I've seen elsewhere, they were as big as the ones in Cyprus.
I gotta say though, I am terrified & spend alot of time on lookout

I saw a massive one last year in a loo in a hotel in Olu Deniz. I ran straight out. NOT the place I was staying at!! I think it was called the Akdeniz near the lagon end of the "front"
Enjoy yourself anyway

i know i was shocked when she told me , the gardener came and removed it, then told me when i was there last week that 1 went up his trousers he could feel something but didnt know it was a scorpian til it undid his trs ,now thats horrid,but remember these are rare incidents , ive been going to turkey for 24 years and ive only seen mosquitos, wasps,flies etc , been stung twice by wasps in oct as they are dying then so more prone to sting you, you cant get away from insects where ever you go, when i was in tunisia and complained to the rep about the cockroaches in my room she said we were lucky we werent in tunisia the following month as they have flying cockroaches , i couldnt cope with that as she said at night they get caught in your hair yuc !!!

I have seen tree louse, i dont know if thats its proper name or not, in Turkey (big or little round buggy things that look like woodlice) climbing on trees and also crickets. These i can live with because they dont want to be in my room or come near me.
If i saw a flying one that would be it, i would be with you Lou Lou running till i got home, i think Malta was prob worst place for roaches, i went to a cathedral and as we turned to walk the steps they were literally covered in them, i had to be carried up the steps it was rank.
Well i will just see, so long as they dont come in my room i will be ok (i hope),
As for a scorpion up my trouser leg well i would probably pass out, but i understand that its common territory with travelling, but i still dont like them LOL
Bugs away
Loups xx
o my god i wont tell you what we saw at the jasmin beach
been to turkey about ten times now ,and the only place i ever saw a cockroach ,was when you transfer from the airport to marmaris you have a toilet stop at this service area ,and it was right outside the w.c. it was then i realised why they have named the song lacookaratcha ,.by the sound it made when i stepped on it.

i must say ive seen more cockroaches in the uk than i have in the 12 years ive lived here.
i was a health visitor in a mining area and lots of the old houses were infested..as are loads of large high rise buildings in inner cities...
the biggest spiders i ever saw were in my house(Wales) huge every october they took over..one of the reasons i absconded from the UK

the name for cocroaches is hamamböceği...say it hamamburjaye ee
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, i could not get onto the web site for 2 days it just kept going really slow andthen wouldnt load the page.
I am now prepared for my encounters with anything i may see so long as they stay out of my room im sure i will be fine, only 4 sleeps to go now.
Loups xx
sorry about that shirley ,dont know what happened ,pc must have a stutter

Haven't seen any *baddies* but never say never
I do leave my bathroom light on all night for some reason though lol

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