Lol, my Husband goes beserk, im a compete nightmare, no matter what time we arrive at the hotel the whole room has to be checked before i will settle, i was getting myself a bit freaked out about the whole creepy crawly thing, particularly cos i have never been to Turkey.
My friend who went there last year assured me she did not see a thing, but i think she has only said that so i wont chew her ear off on the flight.
I can just about cope with Lizards cos i know they are probably more frightened of us than we are of them, but the cockroaches dont seem to be bothered and they seem to get absolutely everywhere, i went to tenerife and one cheeky little blighter was taking the lift to the top floor, then we had a couple of flying ones hit the patio window during the night, needless to say regardless of the heat the doors and windows stay firmly shut.
Loups x