The fridge in reception is basically for medicines for guests not for the beer! although baby milk might be different.
If you do buy a bottle of wine in the dining room you can take it with you to the bar and if any left (in the Habana bar) they write your room number on it for the next night.
The beach is slopeing and you will need beach shoes if going in the water as pebbles on the shore line and just in the water.
Our kids are 6 and 10 and both loved the sea. The drop isn't that deep, but we told our kids not to go past it if we weren't in the water. we sat right at the waters edge and didn't take our eyes off them.
They can both swim atleast 200m and like the waves so depnds on your kids really. The waves break at the drop.
The shingle isn't a prblem we thought it was easier to get off.
Our kids were rolling in the waters edge and rubbed/exfoliated all their suntan lotion off their legs. Sore legs that night.