As a single traveller I know single supplements are going to come into play and hit me hard in the wallet. Also August being kids summer holidays from school, I know prices are undoubtedly going to raised by tour companies etc etc.....
Ideally I wouldn't want to spend more then £600 Then I wouldn't want to spend more then £50 if I thought I could

My only criteria is it must be hot enough for me to come back with a suntan and it must be within walking distance of a beach. Failing that it must have a hotel with a brilliant poolside area where I can sun my days away.
Reason I want all inclusive is the fact I know I won't have a great deal of spending money, so at least I wont have the worry of starving and being dehydrated should I run out of cash.
Basically I want a sunshine holiday on a shoestring budget, don't we all? I really can't afford anything, but as I have said, my last holiday was Cuba 8 years ago! and I really need a break.
I am open to suggestions if you feel there is another way for me to get what I desire on budget!
Yours optimistic
Edit, I should also add I am 33 years old and not really into clubbing and I rarely drink alcohol. So not really looking for a weeks clubbing in Faliraki