hya all, I absolutely love doing a bit of kareoke on my hols ( wouldn't dream of it at home, too many hecklers !)
I'm so tone deaf and out of tune, but , hey, I'm having a ball ! Poor hubby is a bit of a shy guy, but, with enough dutch courage, even he'll get up and murder a song, bless.
Does anyone else have a go or are you content to let other jollyday makers sing away ?
Mind you, last few holidays, I've noticed that there are'nt many of us rubbish singers left ! Everyone must practise at home !

i like to watch, but no way would i get up and sing........

Don't mind going to a Karaoke bar now and again, but would have to have had a good few to sing myself, and then only in a group. My dad, daughter and sister love it, and would sing every night if they had their way - but they all have good voices.
It's just a cheap form of entertainment, or rather you entertaining yourself.
I am sooooo with you two on this one.

Karaoke must be the absolute worst thing ever devised.
Like you both, any bar that offers this style of 'entertainment' is definitely off our list.
I have partaken once or twice in the past but no more, no way. I avoid resorts which have it.
I understand why so many love it- its just not for me. It might help if I could actually sing I suppose
To be honest, Fiona, it might help if
yes- I think you are right. Mind you the most interesting ones are the ones who are REALLY bad. Was it Les Dawson who sang completely out of tune in one of his sketches and it was so funny it was a classic?
And of course, you're right about the really bad ones.
I guess that's why The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent are such big hits, especially during the audition stages.
Who can forget the girl singing (I use the term loosely) YMCA?

My hubby loves kareoke though - never seems to be any bars with it on in the resorts we go to in Turkey...
Every night this elderly woman got up to sing Nancy Sinatra's "These boots were made for walking"
She didn't actually sing it as such, she half sang, half talked the words.
If there was a lull and nobody was getting up to sing, she got up again and sang the same song.
After a week of this, I'd have gladly bought her a pair of boots, if it meant she would walk away...it was enough to drive me either to drink or bed.....
I chose the latter.
I don't think I have EVER heard anything so bad as a German singing Karaoke - the favourite at the Don Jaime was "The Lemon Tree" - I think I'm still traumatised by the experience!
No, I'd NEVER get up and sing- unles I was absolute stark staring plastered!

As I'm only average, there's no way I'd get up after someone who can belt them out. It is funny listening to some who haven't got a clue but think they're bril. It gets a bit much though when the same people keep going up time after time. I wouldn't sing karaoke locally, I only ever do it on hols and then only on 1 night or so.
My 10 yr old son can be swayed in getting up and doing a rendition of Mika or the cure and I think its good for the confidence.
Doesnt matter if you cant sing - we're having a group jolly this year and as far as I am concerned everyone in our group has to have assigned themselves a karoeke song before they go!!
The one-and-only time though, and there's nothing more remote from my idea of holiday entertainment than karaoke bars. I'm sure they have their place, but it's nowhere near me!
Doesnt matter if you cant sing - we're having a group jolly this year and as far as I am concerned everyone in our group has to have assigned themselves a karoeke song before they go!!
Sounds like a fun holiday plan. Go for it!!

BH hates karaoke with a passion and will avoid tv shows like X Factor etc because to him, its just trumped up karaoke. We have been known to walk in and straight out of bars that host karaoke. I dont mind it, and would probably stay for a bit listening but dont get the opportunity very often.
I think its each to their own and if you are willing to do it and enjoy it, who am I to say otherwise.

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