Helen - I can sympathise -

Have to say that 'Sir' does try, but he really struggles and only speaks Turkish when we are somewhere that he knows the staff!
Milly_Molly wrote:People have said that if you can speak Spanish then you can pick up Portugeuse easier.
It's not been easier for me - infact I have found it as more of a hindrance to be honest.
When I first tried to learn Spanish I found it very difficult to stop myself "thinking" in French - I wouldn't mind I wasn't even all that good at French at school, but my French vocabulary is comprehensive enough to get me by, although my French grammar leaves a lot to be desiredlouise225 wrote:find it much easier to read spanish than speak it and it doesn't help that I learnt french at school.
steve8482 wrote:whereever you go there's one thing that's really useful to know - Emergency Exit. Getting served the wrong food because of a language mix up is something you can laugh about when you get home. But a few years ago there was a fire in the terminal building at Düsseldorf Airport and several people who should have been able to get out didn't because they didn't understand the signs. The German for Emergency is Not - you can see how this could be a problem if someone who only spoke English saw it on a sign on a door. Obviously it would also be helpful if you understood the international standard pictograms for normal and emergency exits.
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