The sun bed situation does not really bother me,because if I want a sun bed and there is non available I just remove the towels and place them on a nearby chair and use the bed!I only spend a couple of hours there anyway as I like to wander!
Having spent a lovely holiday last month in Germany I wonder why the Germans go away as its a stunningly beautiful country.I thought I had stepped into an operating theatre when I went to the airport toilet!,especially after spending my holidays in Turkey and Sharm the last few years.
I noticed lots of tour operators desks at the airport selling holidays and they seemed a comparable price to ours.
I am now trying to persuade my hubby to go back to Germany for our next holiday instead of Turkey,as we found the locals extremely friendly,lovely food,quiet roads and stunning scenery.
I don't mind people putting towels on sunbeds - especially if they are in a group, and would like to be close enough to chat. What really gets my goat up, is those beds that have towels on them all day, and then no one uses them until 3 in the afternoon. If I know I'm going for a spot of lunch, for an hour, then I'll leave my towel on a lounger, but any longer, then I remove it, and sit where there's a vacancy on our return. To return to the German question- When those of us Welsh, are in full flow in our native language, we are often mistaken for Germans. People then talk about us in English, thinking that we don't understand them. What they don't realise, is that we were talking about them in the first place
Over the years whilst on holidays in various parts of Spain, I have shocked many a German
when they have been talking about people around the pool!
Their faces when I responded to them in German was priceless!

We always hire a car when we go away to get out and about and see the country we're in. We like to hit a quiet beach around 3pm for a few hours as I get bored after a while (can't read or listen to music as too nosey). Anyway, we've gotten now to buying a couple of good little chairs that recline and have arm rests for about €20 at the start of our holiday and a beach parasol. We plonk ourselves down by the sea away from the crowds and sit and watch the waves for a while. Lovely.
To return to the German question- When those of us Welsh, are in full flow in our native language, we are often mistaken for Germans. People then talk about us in English, thinking that we don't understand them. What they don't realise, is that we were talking about them in the first place We have heard many interesting conversations this way.
I like it

I've tried that with Geordie, I just can't grasp it though!
I remember when I lived in Holland a Dutch barmaid who we made friends with telling me she wasn't keen on the Germans. She said they come to our beach and make a big hole so no-one can sit near them. Then the next day they come back and reclaim their hole.
The English people also call each other Geordie, Scouse, Brummie, Cockney as well. I've seen many a Scot in the airport with their ginger wigs and tartan hats wearing 'Jocks on Tour' T shirts.
Sadly, passports are available to all, and we can't restrict passports on lack of brain cells, can we?
I don't personally care what the English call each other, that's friendly banter within a nation, but i don't like the references to Jock and will never personally respond to anyone who calls me that, if they wish to talk to me they can address me properly. Probably my nationalistic tendencies coming out again, as i see it as an insult from the English the same way as i would from someone French, German, etc, i don't see it as in-nation banter
It's your problem if you have a chip on your shoulders regarding the English. No-one insulted the Scottish - you jumped in with your comments when the subject concerned was about a newspaper article regarding Germans and British.
It's people like you I'm afraid who cause friction.
We have more moderators on this site who are Scottish or Welsh than we do English and we all get along fine. The Island is too small to have such petty divides in my opinion.
Chivas69 wrote:I've tried that with Geordie, I just can't grasp it though! :)
Arrr dinna wat am ganna dee wi yae lyk pet.
Divvent dunshus, man.

Cazz,When we are on holiday with friends we speak in broad Geordie and its priceless when some folk ask where we are from.Its great when we are being pestered by shopkeepers and they ask "are you English?"The Geordie dialect comes in handy
Oh Cider I can't be doing with this - too many more important things going on in my life.
It's your problem if you have a chip on your shoulders regarding the English. No-one insulted the Scottish - you jumped in with your comments when the subject concerned was about a newspaper article regarding Germans and British.
It's people like you I'm afraid who cause friction.
We have more moderators on this site who are Scottish or Welsh than we do English and we all get along fine. The Island is too small to have such petty divides in my opinion.
Oh dear ... please don't drag up this stupid 'chip' comment, it's the most overused comment in relation to anyone or anything Scottish. I call what i see, but being pro my own nation does not mean i have any issue with anyone so please retract that viewpoint. I deal with people of all nationalities the same way, but don't respond to derogatory comments, and i've experienced these derogatory comments before and don't like them, so just because i don't match your political views regarding this island doesn't mean you should use your position of admin to try and beat me down and get personal about things
I responded to this topic because i was fed up with these stupid and pointless debates about sunbeds and the Germans, and i'm pretty sure many people Scots, English, Irish or Welsh are sick of it too
I responded to this topic because i was fed up with these stupid and pointless debates about sunbeds and the Germans, and i'm pretty sure many people Scots, English, Irish or Welsh are sick of it too
Well actually it was more than a "stupid debate" and if you'd broadened your horizons, you would have seen that it brought up several issues regarding compensation and how each nation accepts/expects or doesn't accept the level and quality of hotels and the services from their respective reps.
I made light banter of it because that's what I wanted to do, I wasn't aware that I had to ask your permission to quote an article printed in the Times newspaper.....the sun newspaper, maybe.
If you think it is stupid and pointless, then you can always keep out of the topic.

I'm with Doe and Sanji on this, if you think it's a stupid topic why on earth are you reading and posting on it. There are often topics that after reading the first post I think aren't interesting so I ignore them, I suggest you do the same.
Oh dear ... please don't drag up this stupid 'chip' comment, it's the most overused comment in relation to anyone or anything Scottish.
Sounds like a there's a chip against the use of chip now ...and I assure you the saying 'chip on their shoulder' is NOT always used purely for/against the Scottish - not by me anyway.
I call what i see, but being pro my own nation does not mean i have any issue with anyone so please retract that viewpoint.
We are all, I would imagine, pro nation to our own countries, counties, and area's. No-one likes to hear their region being knocked.
What viewpoint would you like me to detract?
I deal with people of all nationalities the same way,
so just because i don't match your political views regarding this island doesn't mean you should use your position of admin to try and beat me down and get personal about things
Number one I don't have political views. I am not at all interested in politics. My statement of that I think the Island is small enough without petty divides is how I feel, otherwise you get street against street, town against town, county against county etc I personally feel it's childish.
Number 2 YOU were the one who got personal - you were the one who decided it was the English who MUST be at fault not the BRITISH.
Number 3 I defy anyone on this site to say that I use my position of admin to 'try to beat anyone down' - Extremely immature of you to try to use my position of admin as a tool in your debate.
I responded to this topic because i was fed up with these stupid and pointless debates about sunbeds and the Germans, and I'm pretty sure many people Scots, English, Irish or Welsh are sick of it too
Then don't reply if your sick of the debates, other members have contributed to this thread and it's quite a well balanced one, but, apparently you've decided that it shouldn't be Germany v Britain but Germany v England
This was supposed to be a lighthearted thread, that people could debate a bit 'tounge in cheek'.
As Judith has said the Bild newspaper has about the same credibility in Germany as the Sun does in this Country (no idea if you get it in Scotland) and having lived there for many years I am sure she would know this.
I would imagine many Nationalities are guilty of the sunbed run as it often becomes an 'if you cant beat them join them' neccessity.
If you dislike the English so much why bother to post on this board, there are many of us here, all trying to rub along together nicely, it doesn't help anyone to put up inflamatory posts and I certainly don't feel that Glynis should have to defend herself in anyway as she hasn't actually done anything wrong.
i would always go and get sunbeds together by putting the towels on them then going for breakfast, but would never leave them there all day if we were going to go out . Now its only hubby and myself, we tend to sit or lie where ever there is a space.
By the way - I'm We

I must admit that reserving sunbeds for small children is a gripe of mine as well Taff..

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