We are off to Zante on Monday, staying at The Alykanas Village in Alykanas. We have just looked at weather for next week & it looks terrible Are these forcasts usually accurate? I'm starting to really worry! Not that I can do much about it I guess.......
Anyone else going out on Monday?
Hi, we came back yesterday and the weather was glorious. We had a heatwave and temps were over 34!! I used AccuWeather.com before we went, it's very good. Looks ok for the next week have a great time.
Forecast seems to be changing every day & things seem to be more promising
Almost packed & kids can't wait so fingers crossed!
Flying out on Monday from Gatwick, Anyone else going out then?
My mum and Dad are there just now, the forecast had said rain the past couple of days but they have not had any. They have had a few cloudy days but have said that it is still very warm and has still managed to get a tan. It is better not checking the forecast as they don't always get it right.
Have a good holiday and i'm sure you will enjoy it and the weather will be good.
Hi Striker & Pondskater
Thanks for your replies...........Thats put my mind at rest a little, I just had visions of torential rain & 2 very bored kids!
Just arrived home early this morning...............
Had a great time in Zante & guess what..............NO RAIN!!!! Just Hot Hot Hot all the way!
So I think the moral of the story is don't bother looking at the weather reports...........I wasted the week before my holiday worrying myself silly...........
We live between Alikanas and Alikes at the annastudios. I am in UK most of time but my wife says it has been unbearably hot so we are probably due for a storm but it should only take a day or so, so do not worry. Please pop in and see us, we are the ones with the nice gardens.