We don't now do 'package holidays' preferring to rent private apartments which have their own terraces - no problem with sun beds!! If we do go to hotels it tends to be in the winter months to places like Malta annd Majorca when because the weather is cooler people are not grabbing sun beds at the crack of dawn.
When I went to the Belcekic BEach in Turkey the year before last, I had paid the same £850 for my 13 year old as every adult had paid, so I really don't see why she shouldn't be allowed a sunbed, if we could be bothered to aquire her one. (That's yet another hotel with a sunbed shortage during the main school hols,

No way would I get up earlier than normal on holiday to get a sunbed, if there isn't any available after breakfast, we would go to a beach.
My husband was born in Glasgow, and has no problem with being refered to as a "Jock", my Dad was Welsh, and was always called Taffy, people knew him by no other name, neither of these were considered insulting by my Dad or husband, in fact, my Dad was proud to be called Taffy, or Taff.
The thing is, my husband is, and my Dad was, mature and level-headed enough to know if they are being insulted or not.

If I ever go back there I will go out early and throw them all in the pool if no one is there.
The hotels should provide enough sunbeds and should have an attendant checking that no one is reserving when they are not there. Many a time we came across sunbeds were people had gone out for the day and was keeping them for later, How selfish!
I dont reserve and dont like it , so now I go to a place where there is none of that.

Firstly, let me apologise to anyone offended by my post, it wasn't a dig at the decent people of England, more a pointing out that any gripe against Britain abroad is usually one and the same thing (having been all over europe they don't know the difference!!) In my view there has always been an underlying issue between Germany and England, two very similar nations, but that's only my view and nothing that anyone needs to take major offence with
Secondly, the whole friendly name issue? Yep, some folk like it, but i know plenty of people who don't. I certainly wouldn't address anyone as scouser or geordie, so don't expect the same in return. Also, i've heard many an anti-Scottish conversation in recent years using the Jock word, so you can see why i have my viewpoint. Not wishing to get any more political, but the way the UK is going and our woeful media has created ignorance leading to such comments
Thirdly, i object to the accusation that i have a problem with the English as seems to have been commented on here. I take everyone at face value, and whilst yes, i've met some complete tossers, i've also met some of the nicest people in the world from England. My political views won't influence who i speak to or who i befriend, i just want to make that PERFECTLY CLEAR
and finally? Sunbeds?
Nope, i just lie on my big towel

Nice post Cider Monster, and very well put.
Even if we wanted to reserve sunbeds - which we don't - we can't.
Well, we could I suppose.
But the pool is about 3 minutes walk from the apartment we stay in, and we are all too lazy to
walk down there and then walk back again.

(Well. we can be lazy - we're on our hols!

Hence, no one really fights over them! Plus they take them in at night so you can't put a towel down

Lidl have lovely lilos on offer this week for £3.99 so I am going to get one.
Jay Trip wrote:Lidl have lovely lilos on offer this week for £3.99 so I am going to get one.This will solve the sun bed situation once an for all. :rofl
Asda have nice spotty ones for 98p with matching beach ball

Ah, right. I'll get three Asda ones and a Lidl one for me!
When my kids were small, I used to get a sun bed for me and OH and they had a lilo each, which we used to tuck under the beds when they weren't in use.
Our kids just used to plonk themselves on the end of our sunbeds when they eventually got out of the pool -
Doesn't really bother us, as we only use them for an hour or two, cos we get bored doing nothing for too long

people went early to put towells on sun beds, then took off for the day , to return about 4pm.....
and one particular woman, used to get her towells and put them on the sunbeds before she went to bed.....we watched her every night from the bar.....
then we watched the bar man go and take them off again after she had gone back to her aprtment, but she still kept doing it.....

If i go down, and there are no beds, but there are towels on them, pick them up, throw them in a random direction, and take the bed yourself
I remember in Italy once in the hotel the sun really only hit a small part of the terrace in the afternoon, and there were two sunbeds lying there for ages with towels and no occupants ... i merely picked up the sunbeds and moved them as far into the shade as possible. These ignorant people need to learn
Dont often spend 9 to 5 at the pool but have noticed this on the odd occassion. Or if the hotel is beachside, one set of towels on beach and another round the pool, so they get a choice.

Like i said, i don't think any country has it written into their constitutions that a towel on a sunbed is a binding contract
I always go to reception on my first day and ask if it OK to do this?They always say yes,so if anyone did challenge me I would say the hotel told me to remove the towels so go and see them.

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