Hello everyone, please can somebody tell me where Dusseldorf Weeze Airport is in relation to the main city ?, we are familiar with the normal Dusseldorf airport but would like to know how far Weeze is from Dusseldorf HBF or city centre etc, is there a rail link ? if so how long does it take etc ? also how much by taxi approx to Dusseldorf Altstadt etc, many thanks in advance.
have you asked our aviation experts in the FLIGHTS FORUM for the airport location??
Unfortunately Weeze is around 80km from Düsseldorf. I think a taxi would cost well over 100€ each way. There is a bus service that takes about 60-75minutes. Costs about 14€each way. There is also a train but you have to get the shuttle bus to Kevelaer station then the train into Düsseldorf. I think it costs about 12€ each way for just the train part but will probably take longer than the bus in all.
Weeze is an old NATO base which is right up against the Dutch border (I think some of the lights may be over it!!). It keeps changing it's name and was previously called Niederrhein. The airport website is at http://www.airport-weeze.de/index.php?lang=en and has a section on "Arriving and Leaving" which shows the location and explains how to use the national travel planner in German Rails website.
Things seem to have improved considerably since I tried to use it a few years ago and there is a proper bus link to Kevelaer station rather than the dial-a-ride shared taxi it used to have (to meet a 130 seat plane!!). The travel planner will show a price of €11.90 single to Dusseldorf with the note "NRW Tariff". This is important - I seem to remember explaining NRW local tickets to you once before so you'll remember how it can get cheaper if there is a group together.
Hi Steve, thanks very much for your reply mate

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