Does anyone have an idea of the opening times as we arrive (hopefully) mid-day an the Saturday. They used to be closed Sat pm and Sundays.
Thanks Marg
tabac near indoor market is open sunday mornings
I don't know why so many previous posters are going through the blue channel, it is for goods to declare. From what i've read about the subject, if you have more than 3200 cigarretes, customs can ask you a lot of questions. They will check when you were last abroad and how many times you have been abroad in the past year or so. They can assume (without proof) that you brought home the same amount of cigarettes on all your previous trips abroad. So if you travel abroad frequently it's probably better to stick to the guidelines. The minute you say they are gifts, you have lost them.
The Red channel is for goods to declare.
The Green channel is for anyone travelling outside the EU who has nothing to declare.
The Blue channel is for anyone travelling within the EU who has nothing to declare. (IE anyone coming from the Costa Blanca)
Link here.
I looking at buying the family's limits (4 adults) on my Visa Debit (Nationwide) save carrying the cash etc etc
I'm not sure where the Eurotabaco is, but I have asked at several places and some charge 1% for using a credit card and others don't charge a fee so I would just ask around as the cigs are the same price everywhere.
The shop on the main street in the Old Town didn't charge commission, but I can't remember if I used a debit or credit card.

With us never having gone to Benidorm before, Could you give me a pointer to where the 'one on the front is please'
An address will do or something it is near if possible..
I am looking at saving about £15 if it is 1%...
Or If you were coming from the end of the Levante beach where Mc Donalds is, head towards the old town and it's about a 5 minute walk.

where willyou be staying Martin?
We are staying at the Mediterraneo Benidorm Hotel. We go on Saturday....1st for the family and the kids...normally
If it was me then I'd walk there and catch a taxi back with all my fags.

Just a tip Martin, if you are getting your full allowance take an empty suitcase , its much easier than carrier bags.
Can anyone tell me what the allowance is please we are thinking of going for a weeknd at the beginning of November well 3 nights really x
There is no allowance going by european law if its for your own personal use. The guidelines by customs is 3200 cigarettes. Just be careful as customs can take them off you if you are over their guidelines even though you are doing nothing illegal. If you are over the limit they will say that you bought them for a commercial purpose. They took mine off me. I wasnt that much over THEIR limit. I was bringing cigs back for the wife and myself. I'm in court sometime in DEC/JAN to fight against the seizure
I'm in court sometime in DEC/JAN to fight against the seizure
Good luck with this. You are also entitled to bring back ciggies and tobacco for gifts as well.
Unless you have previous I can't see how they can assume you would sell them, they need to catch you actually doing it to prosecute you. I don't know why they would seize them from you unless they can prove you have brought lots back on several occasions over a short period of time.

You are also entitled to bring back ciggies and tobacco for gifts as well.
Be careful when quoting that Robby.

Gifts when referring to tobacco products are subject to amounts and "occasions".
If I bought my hubby 400 cigs for his birthday, then that would be looked upon in an entirely different light, against if I had bought him 1,400....and even if he had given me the money to buy them for him, you are importing cigs which are not for your own personal use.
Gifts can also be considered as "payment in kind". ....if I brought my sister cigs back as a present for looking after my elderly mother while I took a holiday"¦..that is payment in kind and not a gift.!
Goods bought on behalf of others are in general to be treated as not for personal use and therefore "commercial" in a special sense if any money or moneys worth is to be given in return for the goods.
Personal use is what it means,you're stepping into unknown territory when interpreting the rules regarding ciggies and the term "gifts".

they need to catch you actually doing it to prosecute you.
No they don't, C&E have powers to arrest and prosecute.
Appeals against seizure of goods in a court, is a civil proceeding and not a criminal one.
And regarding "limits, no limits and guidelines", Spain has limits on what you can legally take into the country and what you can legally take out before the goods are classed as export, and subject to the relevant export taxes levied/ paid on them...that includes cigs.IE: 800.
Unlike the rest of the British law, where you are innocent until proven guilty, allowances over the guidelines puts you in a position where you are guilty and have to prove your innocence.
Stick to the recommended guidelines, make sure they are for your own personal use, and if you feel like being a one man crusader and taking on the establishment, well, I wish you a lot of luck....many have tried and many have failed.!
@ sanji. I don't look at it as a so called one man crusade. I look at it as my right to bring back cigarettes for my wife and myself. Maybe if more people took them to court then maybe something may be done about it. The more people who take them to court the more it blocks the judicial system up then maybe they will look into it. This Government want us in Europe when it suites them but not when it means that they are losing taxes. I travel for Cigarettes once every six months or so. The customs checked this, so saying they are for commercial reasons is just their excuse to take them off you. Fair enough if I had a transit van full of cigs then they would have reason to stop me but you can only fit so many in a suitcase. It's a pity they didnt put as much energy into catching real smugglers, criminals and illegals
I personally don't think they would win a prosecution on assumption, a half decent laywer would destroy them.
Unless someone has previous I don't see why they would be seized, perhaps a jobsworth.
Anyway, it's daft to take the proverbial and though I don't agree, it makes sense to stick to the "guidelines".
Good luck Karl and keep us informed on how you get on.

No they don't, C&E have powers to arrest and prosecute. ... eID=102780
Sanji, that link is from 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of people were prosecuted in the past, booze cruises, baccy runs etc, vans confiscated etc.
There is a cheeky way around this to a degree, but too long winded to go into.

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