Totally agree CM
Thomson are still charging fuel supplement, when the barrel of oil has dropped to below $70 a barrel and they have an hedging policy.
It's also about time the British public woke up to the fact they're being ripped off..
According to Peter Long the TUI mouthpiece for Europe, he says that customers don't think they're being ripped off by the price hikes and then goes on to say that TUI has managed to hedge its exposure to changes in currency and oil through buying ahead at agreed prices.
So, it begs the question...where is our refund ? and who exactly are these customers who don't think we're being ripped off because I've not met any yet.?
I've caught Thomson out on a nice little s c a m this morning, which is advertising transfers included, but then £30 added on for transfers or the option to have none, in the booking procedure.
They have pushed up selling prices in the UK by 18% in the past seven weeks and in the 3 months leading up to 30th June of this year, they made £65 million in profit.
It's becoming a monopoly industry and neither the Monopolies Commission or Ombudsman seem to care about their practices...enough said!!!!!!!