All this expense over a plastic bag.I used a press and seal bag out of a box of 50 sandwich bags from my local supermarket!!.
Me too - I use a small freezer bag with a press and seal top from my local supermarket - £1 for 20. They seem to last very well and I always pack a few spares as they come in quite handy for anything that might leak.

The ones from Tescos are the correct size.

We are getting married there and will also be there for Christmas - my parents have a present for us to open on the morning of our wedding, which they have asked me to carry in my handluggage - I don't think I will be able to carry a wrapped present in there - can I put a wrapped present in the hold luggage? I am a bit worried as she is adamant that we can't unwrap it until the morning of the wedding and it is delicate so has to come in the hand luggage. Can anyone advise me of the current regulations so I can explain to her? I believe it will not be able to go in my hand luggage due to the regulations over liquids and sharp objects - and the fact we do not know what is in it!
The onus is obviously on you to ensure that you are fully aware of the contents of your hold baggage and hand luggage and that you are not carrying any restricted items.
It would not be wise to place this gift in your hold baggage if it is delicate or valuable. Providing that it is not a restricted item, it may be okay to place it wrapped in your hand luggage. If your hand luggage passes through the security screening process without any problem, then it is unlikely you will be asked any questions about the gift. However, if the wrapping or packaging prevents the gift from being clearly identified during x-ray screening, then it will have to be removed for closer manual inspection. If that happens, then it will be opened in front of you. Before opening it, I expect that security officers would first of all ask you what it is. The fact that you are unable to tell them may cause further concerns not just about your hand luggage, but also about hold baggage which you have already checked in. Obviously if the gift happens to be a restricted item, then it will be confiscated.
It's difficult to predict whether or not you are likely to experience any problems, it really depends on how stringently security procedures are implemented at your airport. Assuming that your parents would not give you an item which is restricted, any problem is more likely to relate to the fact that you are carrying an item which you will not be able to identify if asked. That may lead to a ticking off, or perhaps even a delay while further checks are carried out on all your baggage for any other restricted or unidentifiable items.
Bear in mind that in addition to any security restrictions at UK airports, you would also need to ensure that you are not carrying items which are restricted or banned at any other airports or countries which you are visiting.

It's a very tricky situation. The security question is usually very specific, "Has anyone give you anything to carry?" You cannot honestly answer that question as No.

Thank you for your replies. Had a chat with my partner last night and we have decided to open the present before we go (and pack) but not tell my parents - they can think we opened it on the morning and we won't have to worry that we don't know what is in the present - and everyone is happy!
Hi folks,we're flying with Ryanair for the first time and I'm getting a bit twitchy regarding the hand luggage size.Not bothered about the weight as I don't think we'll be anywhere near 10kg but more the dimension of holdalls.I've a normal sports bag/holdall which measures less than the stipulated length and width but it measures about 25cm high if it was full(should be 20cm max).Will I get away with it if I can squash it down to the required height or can i argue that the overall volume of the bag is less than the stipulated maximum dimensions?
As long as you can squash it in the measurement basket if required, and the bag isn't bulging, you'll be fine. They don't get a tape measure out! The size limit is more to do with the restrictions on the size of the overhead lockers onboard the aircraft (Boeing 737-8AS) so if it looks too big, you'll get asked to measure it.

So many trivial questions but not having flown budget airlines before I'm wary that they'll pick up on anything that might make up for the cheap air fares.
We are flying with Ryanair Dublin to Tenerife and I was wondering if I can bring my own food in my hand baggage, eg a cooler bag with different foods(no liquids) and also perhaps some sandwiches that I have made for the kids.
Thanks in advance...
Solid foodstuffs are fine, but ice or gel packs in cooler bags are not permitted.
Stansted airport (and presumably quite a few others) have big boxes of plastic bags to which you can help yourself. I always stock up with a handful anytime I fly from there.
Does anyone know if you are allowed to combine hand luggage with your partners so we would only have to take the one bag but still get the 10kg allowance??
Hi Dawnlee .. you would need to check the regulations or restrictions enforced by the airline and both airports which you are using. The maximum dimensions are shown on page 1 of this topic, but some airlines and airports impose lower limits.
You are ok combining your hold allowance with Thomas Cook (I know you're flying with them) up to a maximum of 30kg, but you can't combine hand luggage I'm afraid. That mustn't exceed 5kg (43 cm x 28 cm x 23 cm) per person.

Thanks for your help Darren and David

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